Philosophy and Thought

Research Online
Search Engines with Directory
[ Humanities (Look Smart) | Philosophers A-Z (Look Smart) | Philosophy (Academic Info) | Philosophy (Lycos) | Philosophy (The Open Directory Project) | philosophy and religion (The Argus Clearinghouse) | Arts & Humanities (Philosophy) (Yahoo!) | Arts and Humanities (Yahoo!: Refrence) | Arts & Humanities (Philosophy) ( | ATHENA (Thousands of electronic texts, sorted by author's name! ) ]

Please see "Resources" below!
Learning Philosophy
Philosophy: General
[ | Guide to Philosophy on the Internet (Edited by Peter Suber (Earlham College), the Guide is a comprehensive collection of philosophy resources on the internet) | Guide to the Study of Philosophy | Worldwide Philosophy Resources (Study Guide features thousands of annotated links, text resources and community resources for students and teachers) | Noesis: Philosophical Research On-Line (Edited by Anthony F. Beavers) | Philosophy (LSU) | The Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy ]

Philosophy: Specific
[ A dictionary of Postmodern Terms | Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind | Dictionary of Sorts (By Robert Berman) | Glossary of First-Order Logic | The Ism Book (By Peter Saint-Andr)? | Reciprocia Pages, Philosophy for Homo Sapiens and Friends | Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems (By F. Heylighen) | Dictionary of Symbolism | The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy | The Window: philosophy on the Web (the Trinity College Philosophy Department) | Voice of the Shuttle (A gateway site, providing access to 25 broad subject areas in the humanities.) ]
T. Oishi's Electronic Papers in Engish.

History of Philosophy
[ The Perseus Digital Library | The Labyrinth | Philosophers A-Z (Look Smart) | Projekt Gutenberg-DE | BROWSE by Author (Philosophy Texts) | Journal of the History of Philosophy | Philosophy Since the Enlightenment | Jim's Links to Philosophy Classics | The Perseus Project: An Evolving Digital Library on Ancient Greece | Medieval Philosophy focuses on St. Thomas Aquinas and medieval links. | History of Philosophy | Argos: Limited Area Search of the Ancient and Medieval Internet | The philosophers (The Window) | GWF Hegel | Hegel-by-HyperText | Hegel Seminars | Hegel Glossary (By J. Carl Mickelsen) | Kant Glossary (By Andrew Carpenter) | Kantian Ethics Glossary | Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms | SPINOZISTIC GLOSSARY AND INDEX (By Joseph B. Yesselman) | Leibniz Monadology Glossary | Bob Sandmeyer(Phil 100, Study Guides, Dilthey & Husserl) | Psychology with Style | FastPapers.Com | Kant-Essays.Com | David-Hume.Com | AristotlePapers.Com | PlatoPapers.Com | Locke-and-Rousseau.Com | Niccolo-Machiavelli.Com ]

[ The Online Ethics Center Glossary | Alphabetical Glossary of Ethical Theory | Ethics Updates ! (by Lawrence M. Hinman, Univ. of San Diego) | Philosophy at Large | EthicsPapers.Com ]

Resources Online
[ INFOMINE (Social Sciences and Humanities) | Humanities Databases | H-Net: Humanities & Social Science Online | H-Net Humanities OnLine | GREAT BOOKS | The Online Books PageOnlineBooks: Authorsby Titlesby Subjects) | Humanities Resources on the Internet | Philosophy (The HUMBUL Gateway) | Philosophy Documentation Center (By Dey Alexander, Monash University: Philosophy in Cyberspace by Dey Alexander) | The Library of Philosophy | Philosophy Resources | Voice of the Shuttle: Humanities Research (metapage of humanities resources designed for the research-user) | Humanities-Interactive (interactive exhibition including Newscasts from the Past and In Search of the Golden Land) | Humanity Development Library 2.0 (at Tulane) -- contains more than 1.230 publications (160.000 pages) to help solve poverty, to increase human potential, and to provide education to all. ( Title A-Z) | Western Canon (A compilation of links pointing toward the greatest minds of Western civilization. ) | Philosophy (A good place to go for the original writings of the great western philosophers.) | NOESIS (Philosophical Research Online) | David Chalmers' Philosophy Resources (Edited by David Chalmers, UC at Santa Cruz) | Alex Catalogue of Electronic texts | People with online papers in philosophy by David Chalmers | POIESIS: Philosophy Online Serials ]

[ Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy | A Glossary of the Humanities (Summer Institute of Linguistics) | Encyclopedia of Philosophy | The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Edited by James Fieser at the University of Tennessee) | PhilLex - ein Lexikon der Philosophie | A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names(By Garth Kemerling) | The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Edited by Edward N. Zalta) | Mostly Modern Philosophical Glossary (By Larry Hauser) | Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names (Maintained by Garth Kemerling) | In Other Words: A Lexicon of the Humanities (a way for scholars to do interdisciplinary work through this searchable database) ]

Writing Online
[ The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing | A Brief Guide to Writing Philosophy Papers ]
In Need of Help?
[ Hippias: Limited Area Search of Philosophy on the Internet (Thousands of editor-approved philosophical essays and websites are linked to this search engine) | Western Canon University - links to articles and over 100 discussion forums centered around the classics and great books. | Electronic Theses and Dissertations (clearinghouse for online information related to electronic theses and dissertations in the humanities) | Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (based at Virginia Tech) | Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Initiative | Fast Paper: Topics | FIND | Writing (Yahoo!) ]

Cyber Seminar: Links
Social Issues: Environment, Welfare, Women/Labour/Human Rights
Social Sciences: Philosophy &Thought, Sociology, Politics & Law
Office Hour: Search & Write, Living & Studying in Japan, Living &Studing in Bristol (UK)
About Author
Electronic Papers: in Engish and in Japanese
Lectures and Seminars at Takushoku University
Lecture 1: Information Network Society
Lecture 2: The History of Economic Thought
Seminars at Takushoku University: Japanese only

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