Name in full: Takahisa Oishi
Nationality: Japanese
Professional status: Professor of The History of Economic Theories at Takushoku University, Tokyo, Japan scinece 1993.
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March 1998: Doctor of Economics, which is rather an honourable title in Japan.
April 1993: Professor of The History of Economic Theories at Takushoku University.
April 1985: Associate Professor of The History of Economic Theories at Takushoku University.
April 1982: Lecturer of The History of Economic Theories at Takushoku University.
April 1981: Assistant of The History of Economic Theories at Takushoku University.
March 1981: Finished the Doctoral Course at Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan.
March 1978: Finished the Master Course at Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan.
March 1976: Finished the Master Course at Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama, Japan.