Classical Political Economists

Adam Smith (1723-1790)

[ The Internet Modern History Sourcebook | Scientific, Political & Industrial Revolution | The History Page | Historians and Philosophers | Past Masters Bibliography (Electronic Text Center) | Supplementary Bibliography | Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations.(Macquarie University) | A short discussion on the life and work of Adam Smith | History of Economics Internet (References) | International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies | Victorian Economics: An Overview | Online Text Sites | The Wealth of Nations (bibliomania) | Adam Smith | Adam Smith (Historians and Philosophers) | Historians and Philosophers | The Studio (Past Masters) | Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations. | A short discussion on the life and work of Adam Smith | Eighteenth-Century Studies | History of Economics Resources | The Classical School of Political Economy | Victorian Economics: An Overview | Eighteenth-Century Resources | Online Text Sites ДаSmith, Adam ( Lucid Interactive) | Account of the Life and Writings of Adam Smith by Dugald Stewart | The Classical School of Political Economy ]

David Ricardo (1772-1823)

[ Victorian Economics: An Overview | Individual Economists | Economists on the Internet (Bentham, Smith, Malthus, Ricardo, J. S. Mill, Marx, J. M. Keynes) | (Published Works of David Ricardo) 1. The High Price of Bullion, A Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes (London, John Murray, 1810; corrected, 1810) | David Ricardo: An Essay on Profits (1815) | On The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817) | The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817): Chapters 1 to 11, Chapters 12 to 22, Chapters 23 to end | David Ricardo: The Iron Law of Wages (1817) | Resources for International Trade ]

Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834)

[ Economics -- Malthus | An Essay on the Principle of Population | Economists on the Internet (Bentham, Smith, Malthus, Ricardo, J. S. Mill, Marx, J. M. Keynes) | International Society of Malthus | Malthus Syndrome Б@]


[ Economic History Services | History of Economics Society | Schools of Thought (HET) | Surveys and Essays (HET) | Web Links (HET) | Archive for the History of Economic Thought (McMaster University) | History of Economics Internet References (by Bert Mosselmans) | Dead Economists Society | Alphabetical Index (Lucid Interactive) | BROWSE by Author (Philosophy Texts) | Economic Texts | Data Resources for Economists | Political Science Resources (Univ. of Victoria) | Thomas Malthus (The Victorian Web) | Essay on John-Stuart-Millа | Stuart Mill (Historians and Philosophers) | John Maynard Keynes | History of German Political Economy | Chapter 2 The Neoclassical Perspective (Essential Principles of Economics: A Hypermedia Text) ]

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Lecture 2: The History of Economic Thought
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