KIKIZAKESHI Masayuki Ohba Web site

4 type of classification based on balance between aroma and flavor

Four types suggested by the Sake Service Institute
Like wines, sake can be defined as dry or sweet as its basic characteristic. In Japan, Nihonshu-do, or the Sake Meter Value (SMV) is offen used to determine whether a sake is either dry or sweet or in between. Although the SMV indication helps to select which types of sake is dry or sweet, it does not reflect more subtle variations and taste perceptions.
A broader measure of the character of sake is needed to evaluate and describe the essence of the more than 20,000 sakes, especially the finer creations. Our products are selected using a broader set of criteria as reflected as below. As the rsult of our long term research and study, we would be suggesting four-type classfication method.

4 kind of classification based on balance between aroma and flavor

Highly fragrant (KUNSHU)
The principal characteristic is fresh fragrance. Chilling brings out crispness. Care must be taken not to chill too much, as this will dull the glorious bouquet and powerful elements such as acidity and bitterness may come to the fore. If the fragrance is discreet and the umami componets are robust, it can be enjoyed warm.
Light and smooth (SOHSHU)
Fresh, with a light, crisp texture. This type has a characteristic flavor that is best developed by being thoroughly chilled. This sake has so few sharp elements in its flavor that even when it is overly chilled, they don't rise to the surface. Easily drinkable, and popular with every drinker.
Rich depth (JUNSHU)
This has the widest drinking temperature range, and reveals the greatest variation with changes in temperature. Because it has real depth an robust umami, it is important to give these elements full play. To get the best from the rounded umami, slightly hot temperatures are recommended.
This is great sake to savor slowly.
Matured (JUKUSHU)
This category covers a broad range of drinks from light to rich with the optimum temperature varying widly for each, but as a rule of thumb the heavir the umami, the higher the temperature should be. That said, opinion is split on this type. Those who attach importance to temperature settings tend to enjoy this type at the warmer end of the scale. Those less concerned with temperature tend to prefer to drink it cooler, the strong fragrance and umami are suppressed, making it easier to drink.

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