Kita Yatsugatake Mountain Range

Mt. Tateshina

Wakwak climbing club attacked Mt. Tateshina (2,530m) in Kita Yatsugatake Mountain Range from November 4th to 5th,2004.


 Red Route    Arial view of Mt. Tateshina from the height of 3,242m towards west

It was a long time target of Mr. Greenwood since he walked around Mt. Futaba area in July 2000 and stayed in Hotel Ambient for summer resort several times.

Mt. Tateshina, photo taken in 2000 from Point A

Mt. Tateshina from Hotel Ambient, photo taken in 2003 from Point B

He made a plan to climbed to the highest point of 2,100m by car. Although, it is the beginning of the winter,  the road was still open as snow is not coming yet.


First Day

All member shared a car with Ma. After taking a bath they enjoyed to make a plan for next year taking a red wine called Valpolicella Classico. Dinner was French.

Second Day

After taking Viking style breakfast, they moved to the highest point called Okawara Pass. After 2 hours and 30 minuets, they were standing at the summit. Mt. Tateshina was created by volcanic eruption and still has shallow mouth of curator.

Under a clear sky, they could look almost all mountains they have climbed. They are Mt. Yokote, Mt. Naeba, Yunomaru Highland and Mt. Asama from north to east.

Yatsugatake Mountain Range from Point C

At south, they could see Mt. Kitadake and Mt. Senjou. of Southern Alps. Then Mt. Kiso and Mt. Utsugi of Central Alps are visible. At west you could see snow capped Mt. Hodaka and Mt. Yari. of Northern Alps.

Southern Alps from Point C

Northern Alps from  Point C

At foot steps of Mt. Tateshina, you could see Mt. Kurumayama and Mt. Chochomiyama.

Mt. Kurumayama and Mt. Chochomiyama from Point C

After taking bath, they return home happily.

November 7, 2004

Rev. February 1, 2006

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