Mt. Futagoyama in Kita Yatsugatake Mountain Range

Mr. & Mrs. Greenwood climbed Mt. Futagoyama in Kita Yatsugatake Mountain Range while they are staying in . Mr. Y's villa which is located just at the edge of a meadows of Tateshina. The view from the veranda is superb. From there, most of the mountains in north Shinsyu could be visible.

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From the veranda of  Mr. Y's villa

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Mt. Tateshina and Mr. Y's villa

Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood were invited by Mr. Y's family to stay together and enjoy hiking around Mt. Tateshina and climbed Mt Futagoyama and walked around Twin pond.

Red Route

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at Twin pond

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Mt. Tateshina

In the previous visit in May 1999, it was still early to bud. But in July, it was in full bloom. After walking, they enjoyed hot spring in " Lily of the valley". July is also the best season for Barakura English Garden.

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Barakura English Garden

A row of old pine tree is reserved in south Tateshina.

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row of old pine tree

July 22, 2000

Rev. November 3, 2004

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