top sound neo-kabuki studio photo diary japanese mail


The group is famous for Neo-KABUKI style play. I wrote songs for their plays, "Tensyu-Monogatari", "Hanagumi-Wodori 97" and "Cleopatra". The songs are contemporary music like house, rap, techno, funk, etc., with some kinds of Japanese traditional taste.

Official www page of the group :

hanagumi-LOGO The following sound files are typical samples for their plays.

"Ghost in Castle" written by Kyoka Izumi
TitleComment Real Audio
Spear master Typical HEAVY-METAL ROCK!!
A consept of sound in this play was based on Rock with Japanese taste.
Ending theme Exotic atmosphere with Konchiki and Noh-kan
Guitar sound of the latter part was similiar to The Rolling Stones.
Spaceship Is all sound rock?
No. This is HOUSE
Samurai Complete parody of P*** F***d
Salon The former part is GAGAKU-like atmosphere
Character of Hichiriki's tone (Hichiriki is used in Japanese traditional music, GAGAKU) was similiar to that of muted trumpet.
Copyright: 1997 by Akira Sakamoto, Hanagumi-shibai & Grass Fruits All Rights reserved.

Hanagumi-Wodori 97
Dance performance 97
TitleComment Real Audio
Trad. festival Main theme of this performance.
Songs were based on Bon-dance. Similiar relation of singing to Kechak in Bari.
Woshichi Groove with gamlan taste
Yuki '80th P-Funk like groove with Japanese traditional song, JIUTA
Ryukyu dance Shamisen & Tokiwazu (Japanese traditional story-telling song) with heavy groove
Copyright: 1997 by Akira Sakamoto, Hanagumi-shibai & Grass Fruits All Rights reserved.

TitleComment Real Audio
Making Love It consists of voices of a tribe in Africa with Kokyu and Futozao-Shamisen, Japanese traditional instruments, played by Yumi.
Gone to heaven The SKA! with melody of a famous Gidayu music, cho-no Michiyuki, Yumi played the Futozao.
Lovers A combination of Kabuki rhythm and Indian Tabla, Japanese taste mixed with Indian and mid-east atmosphere.
Sketch01 Slow, silent and ambient
Disco KAGEN-aikata Kagen-aikata is a typical background song in Gidayu. Yumi played the Gidayu style Futozao, then it was arrenged to Disco sound with melancholic strings.
Copyright: 1997 by Akira Sakamoto, Hanagumi-shibai & Grass Fruits All Rights reserved.

SHISHI(lion) dance
TitleComment Real Audio
SHISIH dance SHISHI (lion) is an imaginery animal with holly power.His dance played by one or several persons is often seen at a lot of traditional festivals in Japan.
A GEISHA play was held by HANAGUMI-Shibai and I wrote a song of SHISHI dance for the play.It was based on a traditional rhythm pattern with Japanese drums and Japanese flute.
Copyright: 1998 by Hanagumi-shibai & Akira Sakamoto All Rights reserved.

top sound neo-kabuki studio photo diary japanese mail