10 ' print=print+"g_odd_u.txt" 20 K%=32767:L%=89:dim G%(L%):gosub 130:' set congruum into g%() 30 for M%=3 to K% step 2:M4=M%^4 40 for N%=1 to M%-2 step 2:if gcd(M%,N%)>1 then 90 else N4=N%^4 50 for I%=1 to L%:B2=G%(I%)^2 60 Z2=2*(M4+B2*N4):Z=isqrt(Z2):if res>0 then 80 70 gosub 210 80 next I% 90 next N% 100 next M% 110 end 120 ' congruum 130 for I%=1 to L%:read W%:G%(I%)=W%:next I%:return 140 data 101,103,127,157,173,181,191,197,199,223,229,237,263,269,271,277 150 data 293,303,311,317,365,367,373,389,397,407,413,415,421,431,439,453 160 data 461,463,487,493,501,503,519,541,543,557,573,583,597,599,607,613 170 data 623,631,647,653,661,677,685,695,701,703,717,727,733,743,757,767 180 data 773,781,789,797,807,815,823,829,831,853,863,877,887,893,911,917 190 data 919,933,941,965,967,983,989,991,997 200 ' g_prt.ub 210 print G%(I%);"(";1;") :";M%;",";N%;":"; 220 X=M%^2+G%(I%)*N%^2:Y=M%^2-G%(I%)*N%^2:reduce X,Y 230 print X;Y;":";:M=X^2:N=Y^2:print M;N 240 return
10 ' print=print+"g_even_u.txt" 20 K%=32767:L%=32:dim G%(L%),B(L%):gosub 130:' set congruum into g%() 30 for M%=2 to K%:M4=M%^4 40 for N%=1 to M%-1:if gcd(M%,N%)>1 then 90 else N4=N%^4 50 for I%=1 to L%:B2=G%(I%)^2 60 Z=isqrt(M4+B(I%)*N4):if res>0 then 80 70 gosub 170 80 next I% 90 next N% 100 next M% 110 end 120 ' congruum 130 for I%=1 to L%:read W%:G%(I%)=W%:B(I%)=W%^2\4:next I%:return 140 data 118,142,278,302,326,334,358,382,398,446,454,478,502,542,566,614 150 data 638,662,718,742,758,766,822,838,862,878,886,926,958,974,982,998 160 ' g_prt.ub 170 print G%(I%);"(";2;") :";M%;",";N%;":"; 180 X=M%^2+G%(I%)*N%^2:Y=M%^2-G%(I%)*N%^2:reduce X,Y 190 print X;Y;":";:M=X^2:N=Y^2:print M;N 200 return
10 ' print=print+"g_aux5.txt" 20 E%=11000:word 10:dim T(E%):for I%=1 to E%:T(I%)=I%^4:next I% 30 K%=32767:L%=57:dim G%(L%),A%(L%),B%(L%),C(L%) 40 for I%=1 to L%:read D%:G%(I%)=D%:read D%:A%(I%)=D%:read D%:B%(I%)=D% 50 C(I%)=B%(I%)^2 60 next I% 70 ' 80 for M%=3 to K% step 2:if M%<=E% then M4=T(M%) else M4=M%^4 90 for N%=1 to M%-2 step 2:if gcd(M%,N%)>1 then 170 100 if N%<=E% then N4=T(N%) else N4=N%^4 110 for I%=1 to L% 120 Z2=2*(M4+C(I%)*N4):if A%(I%)=1 then 140 130 Z2=Z2\A%(I%):if res>0 then 160 140 Z=isqrt(Z2):if res>0 then 160 150 gosub 210 160 next I% 170 next N% 180 next M% 190 end 200 ' g_prt.ub 210 print G%(I%);"(";A%(I%);") :";M%;",";N%;":"; 220 X=M%^2+B%(I%)*N%^2:Y=M%^2-B%(I%)*N%^2:reduce X,Y:print X;",";Y 230 return 240 ' g ,a, b 250 data 365,5,73 , 415,5,83 , 685,5,137, 695,5,139, 815,5,163 260 data 965,5,193, 767,13,59, 493,17,29, 493,29,17, 407,37,11 270 data 703,37,19, 583,53,11, 365,73,5 , 623,89,7 , 101,101,1 280 data 303,101,3, 685,137,5, 157,157,1, 173,173,1, 519,173,3 290 data 181,181,1, 543,181,3, 965,193,5, 197,197,1, 229,229,1 300 data 269,269,1, 807,269,3, 277,277,1, 831,277,3, 293,293,1 310 data 317,317,1, 365,365,1, 373,373,1, 389,389,1, 397,397,1 320 data 421,421,1, 461,461,1, 493,493,1, 541,541,1, 557,557,1 330 data 613,613,1, 653,653,1, 661,661,1, 677,677,1, 685,685,1 340 data 701,701,1, 733,733,1, 757,757,1, 773,773,1, 797,797,1 350 data 829,829,1, 853,853,1, 877,877,1, 911,911,1, 941,941,1 360 data 965,965,1, 997,997,1
10 ' print=print+"g_aux58.txt" 20 E%=11000:word 10:dim T(E%):for I%=1 to E%:T(I%)=I%^4:next I% 30 K%=32767:L%=3:dim G%(L%),A%(L%),B%(L%),C%(L%) 40 for I%=1 to L%:read D%:G%(I%)=D%:read D%:A%(I%)=D%:read D%:B%(I%)=D% 50 C%(I%)=B%(I%)^2 60 next I% 70 ' 80 for M%=2 to K%:if M%'lt;=E% then M4=T(M%) else M4=M%^4 90 for N%=1 to M%-1:if gcd(M%,N%)>1 then 160 100 if N%<=E% then N4=T(N%) else N4=N%^4 110 for I%=1 to L% 120 Z2=2*(M4+C%(I%)*N4)\A%(I%):if res>0 then 150 130 Z=isqrt(Z2):if res>0 then 150 140 gosub 200 150 next I% 160 next N% 170 next M% 180 end 190 ' g_prt.ub 200 print G%(I%);"(";A%(I%);") :";M%;",";N%;":"; 210 X=M%^2+B%(I%)*N%^2:Y=M%^2-B%(I%)*N%^2:reduce X,Y:print X;",";Y 220 return 230 ' g ,a, b 240 data 638,58,11,742,106,7,822,274,3
32,767以下の m, n について調べたところ、a=1の場合、a>5の場合(奇数)について、
新たに以下の 13個 について解が求められた。
103, 199, 271, 303, 415, 431, 439, 519, 703, 767,
807, 815, 919
解が依然見つかっていないのは、以下の 108個。
101, 118, 127, 142, 157, 173, 191, 197, 223, 229, 237, 263, 269, 277, 278, 293, 302, 311, 317, 326, 327, 334, 358, 365, 367, 373, 382, 389, 397, 398, 407, 413, 421, 446, 453, 454, 461, 463, 478, 487, 493, 501, 502, 503, 541, 542, 543, 557, 566, 573, 583, 597, 599, 607, 613, 614, 623, 631, 638, 647, 653, 661, 662, 677, 685, 695, 701, 717, 718, 727, 733, 742, 743, 757, 758, 766, 773, 781, 789, 797, 822, 823, 829, 831, 838, 853, 862, 863, 877, 878, 886, 887, 893, 911, 917, 926, 933, 941, 958, 965, 967, 974, 982, 983, 989, 991, 997, 998
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