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Publication List

Journal Papers

  1. Michiko Yonehara, Yuji Nakagawa, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yuko Hara, Jun Shoji, Nobuyuki Ebihara, Takenori Inomata, Tianxiang Huang, Ken Nagino, Ken Fukuda, Tatsuma Kishimoto, Tamaki Sumi, Atsuki Fukushima, Hiroshi Fujishima, Moeko Kawai, Etsuko Takamura, Eiichi Uchio, Kenichi Namba, Ayumi Koyama, Tomoko Haruki, Shin-ichi Sasaki, Yumiko Shimizu, Dai Miyazaki, gUse of Explainable AI on Slit-Lamp Images of Anterior Surface of Eyes to Diagnose Allergic Conjunctival Diseasesh, Allergology International, 2024, doi:10.1016/j.alit.2024.07.004
  2. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Revealing Halos Concealed by Cirrus Clouds", Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Vol. 17, No. 12, pp.3739-3750, doi:10.5194/amt-17-3739-2024, 2024
    [preprint version: doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-456, 2023]
  3. Yuji Ayatsuka, Takaki Uta, Tsutomu Yasukawa, Atsuo Yoshitaka, "Differential Image Analysis for Image Diagnosis by Machine Learning " (Japanese), Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp.379-387, 2022, Information Processing Society of Japan [IPSJ Digital Library]
  4. Ayumi Koyama, Dai Miyazaki, Yuji Nakagawa, Yuji Ayatsuka, Hitomi Miyake, Fumie Ehara, Yumiko Shimizu, Yoshitsugu Inoue, gDetermination of Probability of Causative Pathogen in Infectious Keratitis using Deep Learning Algorithm of Slit-lamp Imagesh, Scientific Reports, 11, 22642, 2021, doi:10.1038/s41598-021-02138-w
  5. Kazutaka Kamiya, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yudai Kato, Nobuyuki Shoji, Yosai Mori, Kazunori Miyata, gDiagnosability of Keratoconus Using Deep Learning With Placido Disk-Based Corneal Topographyh, Frontiers in Medicine, p. 1732, vol. 8, 2021. doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.724902
  6. Kazutaka Kamiya, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yudai Kato, Nobuyuki Shoji, Takashi Miyai, Hitoha Ishii, Yosai Mori, Kazunori Miyata, gPrediction of Keratoconus Progression Using Deep Learning of Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Mapsh, Annals of Translational Medicine, vol. 9, No. 16, 2021. doi:10.21037/atm-21-1772
  7. Kazutaka Kamiya, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yudai Kato, Fusako Fujimura, Masahide Takahashi, Nobuyuki Shoji, Yosai Mori, Kazunori Miyata, gKeratoconus Detection Using Deep Learning of Colour-coded Maps with Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography: a Diagnostic Accuracy Studyh, BMJ Open, vol. 9, No. 9, 2019. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031313
  8. Soichiro Kuwayama, Yuji Ayatsuka, Daisuke Yanagisono, Takaki Uta, Hideaki Usui, Aki Kato, Noriaki Takase, Yuichiro Ogura, Tsutomu Yasukawa, gAutomated Detection of Macular Diseases by Optical Coherence Tomography and Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning of Optical Coherence Tomography Imagesh, Journal of Ophthalmology, vol. 2019, Article ID 6319581, 7 pages, 2019. doi:10.1155/2019/6319581
  9. Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "Connection Control by Virtually Connected Physical Media" (Japanese), Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 46, No. 7, pp.1671-1681, 2005, Information Processing Society of Japan [PDF]
  10. Michimune Kohno, Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "TACT: Mobile Terminal for Session Manipulation" (Japanese), Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 45, No. 10, pp.2238-2245, 2004, Information Processing Society of Japan
  11. Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "Gaze-Link: A New Metaphor of Real-world Oriented User Interface" (Japanese), Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp.1330-1337, 2001, Information Processing Society of Japan [PDF]

International Conferences (peer reviewed)

  1. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Fractal Codes: Layered 2D Codes with a Self-Similar Layout" (Demo) in Pervasive 2007 Advances in Pervasive Computing, May 2007, pp.83-86 [PDF]
  2. Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "Active CyberCode: A Directly Controllable 2D Code" in CHI 2006 Extended Abstract, Apr. 2006, pp.490-495 [PDF]
  3. Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "tranSticks: Physically Manipulatable Virtual Connections" in CHI 2005 Proceedings, Apr. 2005, pp.251-260 [PDF]
  4. Yuji Ayatsuka, Michimune Kohno, Jun Rekimoto, gReal-World Oriented Access Control Method with a Displayed Passwordh in Computer Human Interaction (APCHI 2004), LNCS 3101, Jun. 2004, pp.19-29 [PDF]
  5. Michimune Kohno, Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "TACT: Mobile Terminal for Session Manipulation" in 1st International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU2004), Jan. 2004, pp.26-31
  6. Michimune Kohno, Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "FEEL Phone: Manipulating Endpoints of Audio, Video and Data Sessions" (Demo) in UIST 2003, Nov. 2003, pp.43-45
  7. Jun Rekimoto, Yuji Ayatsuka, Michimune Kohno, "SyncTap: An Interaction Technique for Mobile Networking" in Mobile HCI 2003, Sep. 2003, pp.104-115
  8. Jun Rekimoto, Yuji Ayatsuka, Michimune Kohno, Haruo Oba, "Proximal Interactions: A Direct Manipulation Technique for Wireless Networking" in Ninth IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT2003), Sep. 2003, pp.511-518
  9. Yuji Ayatsuka, Michimune Kohno, Jun Rekimoto, "ShownPass: an Easy Access Control with a Displayerd Password" (Interactive Poster) in CHI 2003 Extended Abstracts, Apr. 2003, pp.984-985 [PDF]
  10. Yuji Ayatsuka, Nobuyuki Matsushita, Jun Rekimoto, gChatScape: a Visual Informal Communication Tool in Communities" in CHI 2001 Extended Abstracts, Apr. 2001, pp.327-328 [PDF]
  11. Nobuyuki Matsushita, Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "Dual Touch: a Two-handed Interface for pen-based PDAs" (TechNote) in UIST 2000, Nov. 2000, pp.211-212
  12. Nobuyuki Matsushita, Shigeru Tajima, Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "Wearable Key: Device for Personalizing Nearby Environment" in ISWC 2000, Oct. 2000, pp.119-126
  13. Jun Rekimoto, Yuji Ayatsuka, "CyberCode: Designing Augmented Reality Environments with Visual Tags" in DARE 2000, Apr. 2000, pp.1-10
  14. Yuji Ayatsuka, Nobuyuki Matsushita, Jun Rekimoto, "HyperPalette: a Hybrid Computing Environment for Small Computing Devices" (Interactive Poster) in CHI 2000 Extended Abstracts, Apr. 2000, pp.133-134 [PDF]
  15. Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, Satoshi Matsuoka, "Popup Vernier: a Tool for Sub-pixel-pitch Dragging with a Smooth Mode Transition" in UIST'98, Nov. 1998, pp. 39-48 [PDF]
  16. Jun Rekimoto, Yuji Ayatsuka, Kazuteru Hayashi, "Augmentable Reality: Situated Communication through Digital and Physical Spaces" in ISWC'98, Oct. 1998, pp.68-75
  17. Yuji Ayatsuka, Satoshi Matsuoka, Jun Rekimoto, "Layered Penumbrae: An Effective 3D Feedback Technique" in APCHI'98, Jul. 1998, pp.202-209 [PDF]
  18. Jun Rekimoto, Yuji Ayatsuka, Hirotaka Uoi, Toshifumi Arai, "Adding Another Communication Channel to Reality: An Experience with a Chat-Augmented Conference" (Late Breaking) in CHI'98 Summary, Apr. 1998, pp.271-272
  19. Yuji Ayatsuka, Satoshi Matsuoka, Jun Rekimoto, "Penumbrae for 3D Interactions" (TechNote) in UIST96, Nov. 1996, pp.165-166 [PDF]

Domestic Conferences (peer reviewed)

  1. Yuji Ayatsuka, Atsuo Yoshitaka, gPePe: Human-Computer Collaborative Paint Tool for Segmentationh (Japanese) in WISS2019, Sep. 2019, JSSST, long teaser/07 (2 pages)
  2. [PDF]
  3. Shunsuke Shima, Yuji Ayatsuka, Tsutomu Terada, Masahiko Tsukamoto, "SyncBlink: Navigation by Synchronized Signals and Its Evaluation" (Japanese) in The 22th Workshop on Interactive System and Software (WISS 2013), Dec. 2013, JSSST, pp.7-12
  4. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Album Weaver: Arrangeng Dense Collection of Photographs into Albums" (Japanese) in The 15th Workshop on Interactive System and Software (WISS 2007), Dec. 2007, JSSST, pp.7-12 [PDF]
  5. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Fractal Codes: a Self-Similar Layout for 2D Code Complex" (Japanese) in "The 14th Workshop on Interactive System and Software (WISS 2006)", Dec. 2006, JSSST, pp.101-106 [PDF]
  6. Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto "Active CyberCode: a 2D Code Enabling Direct Manipurations" (Japanese) in The 13th Workshop on Interactive System and Software (WISS 2005), Dec. 2005, JSSST, pp.3-8 [PDF]
  7. Yuji Ayatsuka, "A Communication Tool Enhancing Interactive Hand-Writing Messages" (Japanese) in "The 12th Workshop on Interactive System and Software (WISS 2004)", Dec. 2004, JSSST, pp.9-12 [PDF]
  8. Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "tranSticks: Media Virtually Connected with Each Other" (Japanese) in The 11th Workshop on Interactive System and Software (WISS 2003), Dec. 2003, JSSST, pp.93-102 [PDF]
  9. Yuji Ayatsuka, Michimune Kohno, Jun Rekimoto, "ShownPass: an Access Control with a Displayed Password" (Japanese) in Proceedings of Interaction 2003, Feb. 2003, IPSJ, pp.155-162 [PDF]
  10. Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "Computing Environment Using a Global ID Storage Server" (Japanese) in The 10th Workshop on Interactive System and Software (WISS 2002), Dec. 2002, JSSST, pp.149-150 [PDF]
  11. Michimune Kohno, Kenjiro Cho, Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "A Security Model with User Interface Techniques for Ubiquitous Computing" (Japanese) in Proceedings of Internet Conference 2002, Nov. 2002, JSSST, pp.43-51
  12. Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "Real-world Oriented Application with a Simple Knock Location Device" (Japanese) in Interactive System and Software IX, Proceedings of WISS 2001 Dec. 2001, pp.191-196 [PDF]
  13. Yuji Ayatsuka, Nobuyuki Matsusita, Jun Rekimoto, "ChatScape: Visual/Text Communication and Logging System in Communities" (Japanese) in Interactive System and Software VIII, Proceedings of WISS 2000, Dec. 2000, pp.39-44 [PDF]
  14. Nobuyuki Matsusita, Shigeru Tajima, Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "Wearable Key: Personalized Environment through Natural Actions" (Japanese) in Interactive System and Software VIII, Proceedings of WISS 2000 Dec. 2000, pp.125-130
  15. Yuji Ayatsuka, Nobuyuki Matsusita, Jun Rekimoto, "New Real-World Oriented User Interafaces with 'Gaze-Link' Metaphor", (Japanese) in Interaction 2000, Feb. 2000, IPSJ, pp.181-188 [PDF]
  16. Yuji Ayatsuka, Nobuyuki Matsusita, Jun Rekimoto, "HyperPalette: Hybrid Computing Environments for PDAs" (Japanese) in Interactive System and Software VII, Proceedings of WISS'99, Dec. 1999, pp.109-118 [PDF]
  17. Nobuyuki Matsusita, Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "Dual Touch: a New Interaction Technique for Pen-Based PDAs" (Japanese) in Interactive System and Software VII, Proceedings of WISS'99, Dec. 1999, pp.23-32
  18. Jun Rekimoto, Yuji Ayatsuka, Kazuteru Hayashi, "Augment-able Reality: Information Exchange through Physical and Digital Worlds" (Japanese) in Interactive System and Software VI, Proceedings of WISS'98, Dec, 1998, pp.115-124
  19. Yuji Ayatsuka, Satoshi Matsuoka, Jun Rekimoto, "Algorithms to Generate Layered Penumbrae for 3D Interactions" (Japanese) in Interactive System and Software IV, Proceedings of WISS'96, Dec. 1996, pp.169-177
  20. Yuji Ayatsuka, Shigeru Chiba, Takashi Masuda, "A Mechanism in GUI toolkits for OODBs to Provide Multiple Persistent Visual Representations" (Japanese) in Interactive System and Software II, Proceedings of WISS'94 Nov. 1994, pp.85-94
  21. Yuji Ayatsuka, Shigeru Chiba, Takashi Masuda, "A Persistent GUI Toolkit for OODB" (Japanese) in Interactive System and Software I, Proceedings of WISS'93, Nov. 1993, pp.57-64

Domestic Conferences (others)

  1. Takashi Matsunaga, Takaki Uta, Yuji Nakagawa, Yuji Ayatsuka, Tomohito Sakuragi, Taigi Nagoya, "Detection of Engine Condition Change Points Using Simulation Data" (Japanese), in The 20th Synposium of Japan Society of Maintenology, Aug. 2024, pp.216-220
  2. Kenji Horikoshi, Yuji Ayatsuka, Tsutomu Yasukawa, "Number of DiDA Response Areas to Fundus Images and Confidence in Estimated Age" (Japanese) in The 38th Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Artifitial Intelligence, 1K3-GS-10-05, Jun. 2024, pp.1-4
  3. Yuji Ayatsuka, gCalculate the Confidence Value for a Decision Tree with Multiple Classifiersh (Japanese) in Th 86th National Convention of IPSJ, Mar. 2024, 6B-01 [IPSJ Digigal Library]
  4. Kenji Horikoshi, Yuji Ayatsuka, "Comparison of Regions of Interest Extracted by DiDA and Grad-CAM on the Age Estimation Model from Fundus Image" (Japanese) in The 37th Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Artifitial Intelligence, 1N3-GS-10-01, Jun. 2023, pp.1-4
  5. Kentaro Matsumoto, Yuji Ayatsuka, "Correlation Between Grid Masks in an Explanation Method for Image Classification" (Japanese) in IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 123, No. 37, May 2023, pp.14-18
  6. Kenji Horikoshi, Yuji Ayatsuka, "Improving Classification Performance by Pre-training Heterogeneous Data" (Japanese) in The 13th SIG-AIMED (JAMI/JSAI), ID: SIG-AIMED-013-06, Nov. 2022, pp.1-4
  7. Kentaro Matsumoto, Yuji Ayatsuka, "Testing Features of a Visualization Method for Image Classification" (Japanese) in MIRU2022, Jul 2022, #IS3-42
  8. Yuji Ayatsuka, Takaki Uta, Tsutomu Yasukawa, Atsuo Yoshitaka, "Visualizing Methods for Salient Areas in Diagnostic Image" (Japanese) in MIRU2021, Jul 2021, l21-30
  9. Yuji Ayatsuka, Takaki Uta, Atsuo Yoshitaka, "Comparing Saliency Visualisation Methods Using Masked Images with ImageNet Data" (Japanese) in MIRU2021, Jul 2021, l12-35
  10. Mamoru Yamazaki, Yuji Ayatsuka, Kazuhiko Hamamoto, "Tooth Numbering and Segmentation in Panoramic Radiographs by Simple Annotation" (Japanese) in MIRU2021, Jul 2021, l12-20
  11. Mamoru Yamazaki, Yuji Ayatsuka, Kazuhiko Hamamoto, "Tooth Numbering in Panoramic Radiographs by Simple Annotation" (Japanese) in IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 120, No. 40, May 2020, pp.15-19
  12. Yudai Kato, Yuji Ayatsuka, Takaki Uta, Soichiro Kuwayama, Hideaki Usui, Aki Kato, Yuichiro Ogura, Tsutomu Yasukawa, "Hierarchical Classification to Detect Individual Diseases and Abnormality Together in Optical Coherence Tomography Images" (Japanese) in IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 119, No. 193, Sep. 2019, pp.105-108
  13. Yudai Kato, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yusuke Kudo, Takaki Uta, Soichiro Kuwayama, Hideaki Usui, Aki Kato, Yuichiro Ogura, Tsutomu Yasukawa, "Screening of Fundus Diseases through Heterogeneous Images using Machine Learning" (Japanese) in The 6th SIG-AIMED (JAMI/JSAI), ID: SIG-AIMED-006-10, Nov. 2018, pp.1-5 [PDF]
  14. Yuji Ayatsuka, Kazutaka Kamiya, Yudai Kato, Yusuke Kudo, Fusako Fujimura, Nobuyuki Shoji, Yosai Mori, Kazunori Miyata, "Classification of Corneal Shape Images by Machine Learning" (Japanese) in IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 118, No. 150, Jul. 2018, pp.5-8
  15. Yuji Ayatsuka, Yusuke Kudo, Takaki Uta, Soichiro Kuwayama, Hideaki Usui, Aki Kato, Yuichiro Ogura, Tsutomu Yasukawa, "Screening of Fundus Diseases through Optical Coherence Tomography Image using Machine Learning" (Japanese) in The 4th SIG-AIMED (JAMI/JSAI), ID: SIG-AIMED-004-05, Nov. 2017, pp.(05-1)-(05-4) [PDF]
  16. Yuji Ayatsuka, Soichiro Kuwayama, Hideaki Usui, Aki Kato, Yuichiro Ogura, Tsutomu Yasukawa, "Detection of Occular Diseases by Use of Optical Coherence Tomography and Machine Learning" (Japanese) in IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 116, No. 298, Nov. 2016, pp.11-14
  17. Shunsuke Shima, Yuji Ayatsuka, Tsutomu Terada, Masahiko Tsukamoto, "Evaluations of SyncBlink, a Navigation Method with Synchronized Signals" (Japanese) in UWW 2014, Dec. 2014, p.1
  18. Shunsuke Shima, Yuji Ayatsuka, Tsutomu Terada, Masahiko Tsukamoto, "SyncBlink: Wearable Navigation System with Synchronized Signals and Its Evaluation" (Japanese) in UWW 2013, Dec. 2013, p.22
  19. Yuji Ayatsuka, "SyncBlink: Navigation by Synchronized Signals" (Japanese) in IPSJ SIG Notes (2013-HCI-154(1)), Aug. 2013, pp.1-5 [PDF]
  20. Yuji Ayatsuka, Kazunari Nawa, "GhostTweet: a New Paradigm for Short Message Composition" (Japanese) in IPSJ SIG Notes (2012-HCI-149(6)), Jul. 2012, pp.1-5 [PDF]
  21. Masaya Ando, Masaaki Kurosu, Yuji Ayatsuka, "A Relationship between Sense of Values and Social Media in Digital Native Generationfs Life" (Japanese) in HIS 2011 (2214L), Sep. 2011, pp.475-480
  22. Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, Satoshi Matsuoka, "UbiquitousLinks: Hypermedia Links Embeded in the Real World" (Japanese) in IPSJ SIG Notes(96-HI-67), Vol.96, No.62, pp.23-30 [PDF]
  23. Yuji Ayatsuka, Shigeru Chiba, Takashi Masuda, "A Mechanism of GUI to Provide Multiple Persistent Visual Representation to Objects on OODBs" (Japanese) in 11th Conference Proceedings Japan Software Science and Technology, Oct. 1994, pp.474-460
  24. Yuji Ayatsuka, Shigeru Chiba, Takashi Masuda, "A Persistent GUI Toolkit for OODB" (Japanese) in Proceedings of the 47th Annual Convention of IPSJ, Oct. 1993, pp.135-136
  25. Kazuhiko Kato, Masami Hagiya, Shigeru Chiba, Yuji Ayatsuka, Takashi Masuda, "GUI Systems Using Object-Oriented Database" (Japanese) in Advanced Database Symposium, IPSJ, 1992

Demonstrations at Domestic Conferences

  1. Yuji Ayatsuka, Takaki Uta, Tsutomu Yasukawa, Atsuo Yoshitaka, gDiDA: Analyzing and Visualizing Feature Points of Image Diagnosis by Differential Image Input" (Japanese), in INTERACTION 2021, March 2021, pp.109-114 (1A02) [PDF] [Interactive Presentation Award (PC recommended)]
  2. Nobuyuki Matsusita, Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, "Dual Touch: A Two-Handed Interface for Pen-Based PDAs" (Japanese) in Interaction 2000, Feb. 2000, IPSJ, pp.171-172 [Best Interactive Presentation Award]

Oral Presentations / Poster Presentations (wo extended abstracts)

  1. Hiroyuki Komatsu, Yuji Ayatsuka, Kenji Horikoshi, Mao Inagaki, Kensuke Usami, Minori Akasaka, Maresuke Morita, Kayo Kumashiro, Yasuyoshi Umeda, Yositaka Kobayashi, "Evaluating the Usefulness of Breed Identification in Dog Fundus Images Using AI Analysis" (Japanese) in The 26th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Board of Veternary Practitioners, Sep. 2024, Poster Session #12
  2. Ami Nakagawa, Yuta Ueno, Hisashi Maruyama, Yuji Ayatsuka, Naoyuki Yonemaru, Tetsuro Oshika, "Pilot Study Applying Image Analysis Method DiDA to Automatic AI Classification of Corneal Image" (Japanese) in The 60th Japanese Society of Ophthalmological Optics, Aug. 2024, p.71 (P-15)
  3. Hiroyuki Komatsu, Yuji Ayatsuka, Kenji Horikoshi, Mao Inagaki, Kensuke Usami, Minori Akasaka, Maresuke Morita, Kayo Kumashiro, Yasuyoshi Umeda, Yositaka Kobayashi, "Examining the Effectiveness of Differential Image Diagnostic Analysis and Exploring Breed Specificity in Dog Fundus Image" (Japanese) in The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Comparative and Veternary Ophthalmology, Aug. 2024, p.33 (Op-05)
  4. Dai Miyazaki, Ryo Bando, Norihiro Ishido, Nobuko Yonehara, Yuji Nakagawa, Yuji Ayatsuka, Nobuyuki Ebihara, "Development of Image Diagnostic Support Function for Allergic Conjunctival Diseases" (Japanese) in The 7th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ocular Allergy Society, Jul. 2024, GA-01-06
  5. Nobuko Yonehara, Yuji Nakagawa, Yuji Ayatsuka, Daisuke Nagase, Shinichi Sasaki, Dai Miyazaki, "Image Diagnostic Support with AI for Allergic Conjunctival Diseases" (Japanese) in The 7th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ocular Allergy Society, Jul. 2024, GA-01-05
  6. Naoyuki Yonemaru, Hitoshi Tabuchi, Hodaka Deguchi, Yuto Omi, Mao Tanabe, Naofumi Ishitobi, Hisashi Maruyama, Yuji Ayatsuka, "Multimodal AI Diagnosis of Retinal Detachment Incorporating Fundus Images and Patient Questionnaires" in ARVO 2024, May. 2024, Abstract Number: 2321-A0175 (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, June 2024, Vol.65, Issue 7, p.2321.)
  7. Dai Miyazaki, Michiko Yonehara, Shin-ichi Sasaki, Yuji Nakagawa, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yuko Hara, Eisuke Shimizu, Ken Fukuda, Nobuyuki Ebihara, Takenori Inomata, Atsuki Fukushima, Hiroshi Fujishima, Tatsuya Mimura, Moeko Kawai, Eiichi Uchio, Kenichi Namba, "Development of Allergic Conjunctival Disease Image Database and Diagnostic Support AI" in ARVO 2024, May. 2024, Abstract Number: 1961-B0361 (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, June 2024, Vol.65, Issue 7, p.1961.)
  8. Nobuko Yonehara, Yuji Nakagawa, Yuji Ayatsuka, Daisuke Nagase, Tomoko Haruki, Dai Miyazaki, "Diagnostic Accuracy of Keratitis Signs Identified by AI from Infectious Keratitis Image" (Japanese) in The 128th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society (Journal of Japanese Ophthalmological Society), Vol. 128, Apr. 2024, (O3-009)
  9. Kenji Horikoshi, Yuji Ayatsuka, Tsutomu Yasukawa, "Relationship between accuracy of age estimation from fundus photograph and DiDA image" (Japanese) in The 4th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology, Nov. 2023, p.20 (O1-3)
  10. Nobuko Yonehara, Yuji Nakagawa, Yuji Ayatsuka, Takenori Inomata, Eiichi Uchio, Nobuyuki Ebihara, Moeko Kawai, Eisuke Shimizu, Kenichi Nanba, Atsuki Fukushima, Ken Fukuda, Hiroshi Fujishima, Tatsuya Mimura, Yuko Hara, Shinichi Sasaki, Dai Miyazaki "Constructing Database of Allergic Conjunctival Disease and Diagnostic Support with Image AI" (Japanese) in The 77th Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, Oct. 2023, p.88
  11. Hiroyuki Komatsu, Yuji Ayatsuka, Kenji Horikoshi, Mao Inagaki, Kensuke Usami, Minori Akasaka, Maresuke Morita, Kayo Kumashiro, Yositaka Kobayashi, "Investigation of Usefulness of Breed Identification in Canine Fundus Image Using Convolutional Neural Network" (Japanese) in The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Comparative and Verternary Ophthalmology, Aug. 2023, p.42 (Op-14)
  12. Daisuke Nagase, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yuji Nakagawa, Tomoko Haruki, Yoshitsugu Inoue, Dai Miyazaki, "Comparison of Effectiveness of Displaying Peculiar Regions Detected by AI on Incectious Keratitis Images" (Japanese) in The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Occular Infection, Jul. 2023, p.75 (GK-03-06)
  13. Takashi Miyai, Kazutaka Kamiya, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yudai Kato, Nobuyuki Shoji, Hitoha Ishii, Yosai Mori, Kazunori Miyata, "Detection of Keratoconus Progression by DL of Age and Images from AS-OCT" (Japanese) in The 127th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society (Journal of Japanese Ophthalmological Society), Vol. 127, Apr. 2023, (O1-005)
  14. Yuji Ayatsuka, Kenji Horikoshi, Tsutomu Yasukawa, "Visualizing and Analysis of Effective Points in Age Estimation from a Fundus Photo", (Japanese) in The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology, Nov. 2022, p.22 (O2-3)
  15. Dai Miyazaki, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yuji Nakagawa, Ayumi Koyama, Tomoko Haruki, Yoshitsugu Inoue, "Detection of Image Characteristics of Infectious Keratitis by Deep Learning" (Japanese) in The 126th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society (Journal of Japanese Ophthalmological Society), Vol. 126, Apr. 2022, (O3-011)
  16. Yuji Ayatsuka, Takaki Uta, Tsutomu Yasukawa, Atsuo Yoshitaka, "Visualization and Analysis of Points for Classification of OCT Images using Machine Learning Models" (Japanese) in The 2nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology, Nov. 2021, p.22 (O2-3)
  17. Ayumi Koyama, Dai Miyazaki, Fumie Ehara, Yumiko Shimizu, Yoshitsugu Inoue, Yuji Nakagawa, Yuji Ayatsuka, "Diagnosis of Corneal Infections by Artificial Intelligence for Clinical and Web Anterior Slit Lamp Images" (Japanese) in The 2nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology, Nov. 2021, p.19 (O1-4)
  18. Dai Miyazaki, Ayumi Koyama, Fumie Ehara, Yumiko Shimizu, Yoshitsugu Inoue, Yuji Nakagawa, Yuji Ayatsuka, "Significance of Clinical Findings in AI Diagnosis by Anterior Slit Lamp Images of Corneal Infection" (Japanese) in The 1st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology, Nov. 2020, p.16 (O-3)
  19. Dai Miyazaki, Yuji Nakagawa, Yuji Ayatsuka, Fumie Ehara, Yumiko Shimizu, Ryu Uotani, Koudai Inata, Shinichi Sasaki, Yoshitsugu Inoue, Naoyuki Maeda, "Comparison between Deep Learning and Ophthalmologists on Classifying Images of Corneal Infections" (Japanese) in The 124th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society (Journal of Japanese Ophthalmological Society), Vol. 124, Apr. 2020, (O3-019)
  20. Kazutaka Kamiya, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yudai Kato, Fusako Fujimura, Nobuyuki Shoji, Yosai Mori, Kazunori Miyata, "Trials for Diagnosing Keratoconus with Machine Learning (Report 4: Progress Prediction)" (Japanese) in The 73rd Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, Oct. 2019, p.21
  21. Kazutaka Kamiya, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yudai Kato, Fusako Fujimura, Nobuyuki Shoji, Yosai Mori, Kazunori Miyata, "Trials for Diagnosing Keratoconus with Machine Learning (Report 3: Placido-based corneal topography)" (Japanese) in The 123rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society (Journal of Japanese Ophthalmologicao Society), Vol. 123, Apr. 2019, p.198 (O1-147)
  22. Kazutaka Kamiya, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yudai Kato, Fusako Fujimura, Nobuyuki Shoji, Yosai Mori, Kazunori Miyata, "Trials for Diagnosing Keratoconus with Machine Learning (Report 2: Screening)" (Japanese) in Japan Cornea Conference 2019, Feb. 2019, p.63
  23. Kazutaka Kamiya, Yuji Ayatsuka, Yudai Kato, Fusako Fujimura, Nobuyuki Shoji, Yosai Mori, Kazunori Miyata, "Trials for Diagnosing Keratoconus with Machine Learning (Report 1: Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography)" (Japanese) in The 72nd Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, Oct. 2018, p.39
  24. Tsutomu Yasukawa, Soichiro Kuwayama, Yuji Ayatsuka, Hideaki Usui, Aki Kato, Noriaki Takase, Daisuke Yanagisono, Takaki Uta, Yuichiro Ogura, "Trial for Automatic Detection of Macular Disease using Optical Coherence Tomography and Artificial Intelligence" (Japanese) in The 121st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society (Journal of Japanese Ophthalmological Society), Vol. 121, Apr. 2017, p.214 (O2-152)


  1. Yuji Ayatsuka, gPervasive 2007 Reporth(Japanese) in Human Interface 2007, Vol. 9, No. 3, p.36-37 [PDF]
  2. Yuji Ayatsuka, Nobuo Kawaguti, "Challenges for Conference Augmentation Systems in WISS" (Japanese) in Computer Software (JSSST), 2006, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 76-81 [PDF]
  3. Yuji Ayatsuka "CHI2006 Report" (Japanese) in SIGHCI Report, IPSJ, 2006, Vol. 2006, No. 72 (20060706), pp. A1-A5 [PDF]
  4. Mahoro Anabuki, Yuji Ayatsuka, Hiroshi Hosobe, "WISS '96 Report" (Japanese) in Computer Software (JSSST), 1997, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 91-94


  1. Yuji Ayatsuka, "AI Image Classification for Infectious Keratitis and the Future" (Japanese) in Medical Science Digest (New Science co., ltd.), 2024, Vol. 50, No. 10, pp. 32-34 (544-546)
  2. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Developing Image Analyzing AI for Medical Instruments" (Japanese) in The CELL (New Science), 2023, Vol. 55, No. 13, pp. 33-36 (1043-1046) (reprint of #1)
  3. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Ophthalmology and Information Processing" (Japanese) in IPSJ Magazine 2023, Vol. 64, No. 8, pp. e24-e25
  4. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Developing Image Analyzing AI for Medical Instruments" (Japanese) in Precision Medicine (Hokuryukan), 2023, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 55-59 (559-563) (#1)
  5. Yuji Ayatsuka, gApplication of Ophthalmological Image Classifier with Machine Learningh(Japanese) in Chronic Inflamation in Eye Diseases (separate volume of BIO Clinica) (Hokuryukan), 2022, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 76-81
  6. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Applications of Machine Learning to Image Diagnosis of Macular Diseases" (Japanese) in RETINA Medicine (Sentan Igaku-Sha), 2021, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 37-42
  7. Yudai Kato, Yuji Ayatsuka, "Techniques for More Accurate Image Recognition with AI" (Japanese) in Graphic Journal of Ophthalmology (MEDICUS SHUPPAN, Publishers Co., Ltd.), 2020, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 516-520
  8. Koji Inoue et al, "Basic and Clinical Approaches to Ocular Infection" (Japanese) in Journal of Japanese Ophthalmological Society, 2020, Vol.124, No. 3, pp. 155-184 [CiNii]
  9. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Analyzing Ophthalmological Images with Machine Learning" (Japanese) in Precision Medicine (Hokuryukan), 2020, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 41-44 (139-142)
  10. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Mechanism and Nature of Image Analyses with Contemporary AI" (Japanese) in Precision Medicine (Hokuryukan), 2019, Vol. 2, No. 12, pp. 31-36 (1153-1158)
  11. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Brief Introduction to Image Classification with Deep Learning" (Japanese) in Journal of the Eye (Medical-Aoi Publications, Inc.), 2019, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 425-431
  12. Yuji Ayatsuka, "A Historical Halo Display in Shonai, Japan, 1848" (Japanese) in TENKI (the bulletin journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan), 2018, Vol. 65, No. 4, pp. 255-258 [PDF]
  13. Yuji Ayatsuka, Tsutomu Yasukawa, "Detecting Occular Diseases by Artificial Intelligence" (Japanese) in Medical Science Digest (New Science co., ltd.), 2017, Vol. 43, No. 10, pp. 48-50
  14. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Interfacing among Human, Computer, World and Research" (Japanese) in Computer Software (JSSST), 2017, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 92-93 [J-STAGE]
  15. Yuji Ayatsuka, "gI'm conducting a survey on male preferences in Christmas giftsh - gSimulacron-3h by D.F.Galouye" (Japanese) in IPSJ Magazine 2015, Vol. 56, No. 8, pp.756-757 [IPSJ Online Library]
  16. Yuji Ayatsuka, "Preface: Somewhere, Sometime" (Japanese) in Human Interface, Human Inteface Society 2008, Vol. 10, No. 1, p.4
  17. Yuji Ayatsuka, Jun Rekimoto, gtranSticks: Media Virtually Connected beyond Spaceh
    appeared as a selected fringe paper in CHI Fringe, CHI2004, Apr. 2004