Front page

Japanese Japanese
A Japanese version
of my home page.

Masters thesis
On the Japanese
Self Defense Forces

Gun control
Gun violence in
America, and what
can be done

Picture gallery
South Africa,
Mount Fuji,
and others

East Asian politics,
travelogues, and



Friends' Virtual Homes

My grad school friend Quenby Olmsted. Her site has this cool picture, and lots of history- and labor-related links. Check it out.

The man, the legend, Dave Iannucci

My noble co-worker Stuart Price (who took that photo of me on my front page, and taught me every bit of what little I know about HTML.)

Mike Lubetsky, my often-times partner in crime, debate-related and otherwise

David Williams, a fellow American in Tokyo, and a damn fine mountain climber

Ravi Sastry, Sailaja's brother...athlete, engineer, comedian

Sherman Dorn, part of my family, and a learned Professor of History

Seth Oxhandler, another part of my family, and one of the hippest techies I know

Tsuyoshi Ono, my friend and occasional debate partner. Mostly in Japanese (both the page and the person).