AHC Certification System

@@To qualify as a certified SAT counselor, you have to take seminars or correspondence courses stipulated by AHC as well as an academic achievement test. You also have to undergo tape screening as part of the qualification process. 

      There are six categories of professional qualifications subject to periodic renewal. Certification is granted according to the technical level mastered in each

@‚PD SAT Mental Counselor
@‚QD SAT Health Counselor
@‚RD SAT Group Counselor
@‚SD SAT Group Health Counselor
@‚TD SAT Imagery Therapist
@6.@ SAT Social Skills Trainer

@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@Also, certification without renewal is granted to those who work as associate listeners (up to Step 1 job training).
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Associate listeners are effectively applying their listening skills at various places including work, home and school.

Refer to the AHC accreditation process described below.

AHC Accreditation Process

¦POM(Procedure-Oriented Master)

¦SOM(Self-Growth-Oriented Master)

EPrincipal Targets

Ordinary people, teachers, nurses, pubic health nurses, pharmacists, nutritionists, medical doctors, dentists, those engaged in education-related work, those engaged in social services, management consultants, volunteers, companies (proprietors, managers, employees), students, teachers at schools for disabled children, school counselors, etc.

@@A Career Path as a SAT Counselor
@1 SAT Associte Listener, Certified Group Counselor
@@@@@(Peer counselor providing problem solving assistance to individuals and groups)
@2 SAT Mental Counselor
@@@@@(Professional counselor providing assistance for behavior modification)

SAT Health Counselor
SAT Group Health Counselor
@@(Health Counselor for individuals and groups)

@4 SAT Imagery Therapist (professional SAT Therapist)
@@@œMental Health Therapist internship course ¨@Mental health SAT therapist
@@@œPsychosomatic Therapist internship course ¨ Psychosomatic SAT therapist
@@@œCancer Therapist internship course ¨ Cancer SAT therapist
@œDiabetic Therapist internship course ¨ Diabetic SAT therapist


@@@@@Requirements for Professional SAT Therapists@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@1 Be a member of AHC, an Imagery Therapist or its equivalent.
@@@@2 Have clinical training experience, including at least one year of internship in your area of expertise under the guidance of an SAT therapeutic trainer.
@@@@3 Put together a paper on a clinical case in your area of expertise.
@@@@4 Once every three years, before your certification as an Imagery Therapist expires, renew it by submitting a record of your clinical study.
@@@@5 The cost of renewing certification is included in the fee for renewing the certification of Image Therapists


Designated institutes for training professional SAT therapist interns
Mental health SAT therapist @Academy for Health Counseling, an incorporated nonprofit organization  @@@@@@@@Ichikawa Counseling Room (_3_min. on foot from Motoyahata Station, @@@@@@Sobu Line)
Psychosomatic SAT therapist

@Obitsu Sankei Clinic (in front of Ikebukuro Station)
@Jingumae Clinic (in front of Omotesando Station9
@Obitsu Sankei Hospital

Cancer SAT therapist
Diabetic SAT therapist



@@@@Invitation to Qualify as a Certified Social Skills Trainer@
@@The Academy for Health Counseling aims to spread SAT social skills to enable ordinary citizens to realize their goal of gsharing with my love a life in which I truly love myself.h Toward this end, AHC has launched a course for training certified SAT Social Skills Trainers.
@@@Social skills are techniques that enable people to satisfy the demands they share as human beings, namely, the demand for desired affection, the demand for self-trust, and the demand for affection. Students in this course enjoy receiving training in various social skills, including basic group counseling skills.
E  Listening skills (active listening skills)
E@Interpersonal relation skills
E   Assertion skills
E@Problem-solving skill
E Presentation skill
E Debating skills
E  Negotiation skill
E Leadership skills
E Coaching skills
E Stress management skills
E Sensory exchange skills
E Time management skills
E Self-Counseling skills
E Group counseling skills
E Relaxation skills
E Collabolation skills
E Mentoring skills

In this course, students learn the educational techniques used in social skills training as they go through the various steps shown in the flow chart below. Today social skills training is in demand as life skills education taught in school, as mental toughness education or stress management education taught at work, and as part of general civic education. But there are very few effective programs or education instructors adequately versed in this field. The AHC program is structured on the basis of behavior science, so students are fully versed in social skills when they complete the course starting with Step 1.

If you are interested, we hope you will challenge yourself.
