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1/25 Revell
XK-E Roadster


The rear suspension contains enough parts for realistic appearance, but I had to scratchbuild the coils because they had a noticeable pin mark.   The disk brakes were also scratchbuilt by using a piece of plastic and I modified aftermarket parts to represent the calipers.  The brake lines were also added as shown in the picture.
The engine is basically straight out of the box.   I added the plug cords and scratchbuilt the oil filter.  Washing technique was used when I painted the engine.  The plated cam covers are from the kit.
The first attempt to make the fuel filter failed since I made it too big.  I kept the big one for another 1/24th scale project, and I made a smaller one.  Those tiny bolts were made by using a mechanical pen with the tip sharpened by a file.
The brake fluid tanks were removed from the firewall, and the fuel filter was installed as shown.

1/25 Revell
XK-E Roadster

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Last modified : 1999-02-19