Walton, William (U.K.) 1902-1983

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  • ディスククラッシュのため一部破壊されています
    A Litany - Drop Drop Slow Tears
    Text:Phineas Fletcher
    1916/1930混声 SATBa cappella
    Oxford University Press
    Oxford University Press
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus

    All this Time
    1970混声 SATBa cappella
    出版Oxford University Press
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus

    1977混声 SATBOrg.
    出版Oxford University Press
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus
    Commissioned for the 150th Anniversary of Saint Paul's Church, Rochester, New York

    Cantico del Sole 〜太陽の賛歌
    Text:S. Francesco d'Assisi
    1973混声 SATB,diva cappella
    出版Oxford University Press
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    合唱団「うたおに」(羽根功二) -Brain
    To Dorothy Moulton Mayer

    Coronation Te Deum
    1952混声 SATB+SATBオーケストラ
    出版Oxford University Press ボーカルスコア
    Composed for the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth U in Westminster Abbey, 2 June 1953.

    Jubilate Deo
    1971混声 SATBx2Organ
    出版Oxford University Press
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus

    King Herod and the Cock
    1977混声a cappella
    出版OUP==not int the collections
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus

    Magnificat and Nunc dimittis
    1974/1975混声 SATBorgan
    2Nunc dimittis
    出版Oxford University Press
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus
    For Walter Hussey, Dean of Chichester Cathedral, and for John Birch and the Choir of Chichester Cathedral.

    Make we Joy now in this fest
    1931混声 SATBa cappella
    出版Oxford University Press
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    The Sixteen(Harry Christophers) -Collins
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus
    Choir of Gonville & Caius College Cambridge(Geoffrey Webber) -BBC

    Missa Brevis
    1965/1968混声 SSAATTBBa cappella, organ
    1Kyriea cappella
    2Sanctus and Benedictusa cappella
    3Agnus Deia cappella
    4Gloriawith organ
    出版Oxford University Press
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    大和銀行合唱団(辻正喜) -Brain
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus
    Commissioned by the Friends of Coventry Cathdral for the Choir of the Cathdral.

    Set me as a seal upon thine heart
    1938混声 SATB,diva cappella
    Oxford University Press
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    Magdalen College Choir, Oxford(John Harper) -Regis
    Choir of King's College, Cambridge(Stephen Cleobury) -EMI - UK
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus
    Dedicated to the Honourable Ivor Guest and the Lady Mabel Fox-Strangways on the occasion of their marriage, Nov, 22nd, 1938

    The Twelve --An Anthem for the Feast of any Apostel
    1965混声 satb-solo,SATB,divorgan (or orchestra)
    出版OUP 5027(??057) 確認要
    Oxford University Press
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    Schola Cantorum of Oxford(Mark Shepherd) -Guild
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus
    to Christ Church, Oxford and its Dean, Cuthbert Simpson
    初演:1965-5-16 The choir of Christ Church Oxford/指揮:Sydney Watson(オルガン版)

    What Cheer?
    1961混声 SATBa cappella
    出版Oxford University Press
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    Quink Vocal Ensemble -Telarc
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus

    Where does the uttered music go?
    Text:John Masefield
    1945混声 SATB,diva cappella
    出版Oxford University Press
    録音The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge(Richard Marlow) -Conifer
    Schola Cantorum of Oxford(Mark Shepherd) -Guild
    Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford(Stephen Darlington) -Nimbus
    初演:1946-4-26 BBC Chorus & Theatre Revue Chorus/指揮:Leslie Woodgate

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