ホーム>浜松雑記帳>英語昔話目次> 花咲か爺さん

Old Man Blossom  (花咲か爺さん)

Once upon a time , there was an old man and an old woman who lived in a small, shabby house in the mountains .


They were very unusual happened to them that changed their lives forever .
The old woman found a beautiful puppy sitting outside their small house .




" Are you lost ? " she asked kindly. " Where are your parents ? "


The puppy looked at her with large, sad eyes, and her heart melted.


" You can come and stay with us ", she said.


The puppy barked with joy and ran into the house, wagging its tall.



Later the old man came home , and when he saw the beautiful little puppy, he fell in love with it straight away .


The old woman had slow fallen in love with the dog and it became, for them, like the child they never had .


The three of them lived happily together for many years.

子犬はすくすくと育ち、幸せが何年も続きました。 (2013.7.26.)


Then, early one spring, the puppy--now a full grown dog -- ran up to the old man and started pulling at his jacket.


" What is it ? " the old man laughed . " Wait. Wait". called the old man , " You forget I am old. I can't move as quickly as you " .


The old man slowly followed the dog into the forest. The dog ran ahead, stopping every few minutes to wait for the old man to catch up.


At last , the dog stopped and started digging.


"What are you doing ?" asked the breathless old man , as he sat down nearby to rest. " Please let it not be another bone "

「いったいお前は何をしているんだ?又、前みたいに骨を見つけたと言うんじゃないだろうね」。 (2013.8.2.)


The dog dug and dug until their was a large hole in the ground . Then it ran to the old man and brought him to the edge.

The old man looked in and gasped. The bottom of the hole was filled with hundred and hundred of gold coins.

The old man hugged the dog and then ran back to the house to tell the old woman what he had found .

"Our dog has made us rich " he told her joyfully .
"Richer than you could ever dream ."


The old man went back and forth between the hole and the house, carrying home the gold. The dog ran around him barking happily and wagging its tail.

But there was a greedy man who lived near the old couple , and he saw the old man carrying the gold. He watched, and as he watched, he began to want that gold. He began to want that gold so much that he got a huge club and went to the old couple's house.
その様子を陰からじっと見ていた者が居ました。近くに住んでいる大男です。トシはとっていますが、力自慢で乱暴者でその上欲深といった嫌われ者です。お爺さんの金貨をみているうちに、その金貨が欲しくて欲しくてたまらなくなりました。家にとってかえすと、太い棍棒を持ち出し、それをズルズルとひきずってお隣のお爺さんの家に向かいました(2013.9.6.) )

When he arrived, the old couple was sitting a little dumbstruck in front of a huge pile of gold.

"What can we do with it all?" said the old man to the old woman.

As he said this, the door opened. The greedy man stood in the doorway, holding his club.

" You can give it all to me ," he said.
「 その小判を全部おれによこせ」破れ鐘のような声でがなり立てました。

The old couple was too scared to say anything. The dog growled angrily from the corner of the room. The greedy man started putting the gold in his bag.

"Where did you find all this ? " he asked.
" Is there more ?"

「こんなにも沢山の小判をどこでみつけたんだ?そこにはまだ残っているのか?」と怒鳴りつけるように言いました。( 2013.9.13.)

The old man was an honest man and he told the greedy man exactly how his dog had found the gold.

"Well, then I'll take your little dog too, " the greedy man laughed.

" he can show me where to find more . Come here ,dog".

The dog growled again angrily. It did not move .

"Come here now ", the greedy man shouted. " or I will kill these old idiots".

He waved his club in front of the terrified old couple.

The dog stopped growing. It went to the greedy man with its head down and its tail between its legs.

"Good dog " , said old the greedy man , laughing.
"Now, if you want these old people to alive, you're going to show me where to find more gold".


He then kicked the dog out the door.
そう言って、ポチを部屋の外へ蹴飛ばしました。 (2013.9.20)

Every now and again he hit the dog hard and shouted.

" Where is it ? I want it now. "

At lest , the dog stopped .

" So the gold is buried here ? " the greedy man asked. The dog nodded.

The greedy man tied the dog and started digging. He gut and dug and dug.

His hands started to bleed but he did not stop because he was overpowered by his greed. Eventually, he found a large box.


"Ah, the gold, he said" , pulling the box out of the hole.

" Look at me , dog, I am now the richest man in the world " .

He opened the box == and jumped back in horror .
The box was filled with poisonous snakes . They came hissing and slithering out of the box toward him , their emerald eyes filled with malice. The greedy man screamed.


Meanwhile, the old couple was waiting at home . They waited all night worrying about their beloved dog .


Early next morning, the old woman felt a great pain in her chest, like her heart was being broken in half .

"What's wrong ? " asked the old man.
"I don't know ," the old woman said .
"But I feel something terrible has happened .

The night before, the greedy man had escaped from the snakes , but he was so angry with the dog and with old couple that , the next morning, he rushed back to where he had tied up the dog and he beat it to death


The old man and wife were horrified when they heard what had happened to their dog.
お爺さんとお婆さんは、欲張り爺さんから身の毛もよだつような恐ろしい話を聞いて震え上がりました。そしてポチがどんなに恐ろしかっただろう、痛かっただろう と思い、止めどなく涙を流しました。

Then their horror turned to grief, and once they had found its body , they buried it near their house .
お婆さんはポチを持ってきた布団にくるんであげました。 (2013.11.18.)



Each day after that , the old couple would sit in front of the grape and pray for their dog
They asked the dog to forgive them because they had done nothing to stop the greedy man from killing it . They blamed themselves for its death.


After a few years, a beautiful pine tree grew near the grave, and with its wood the old man made a new rice mortar.
お爺さんとお婆さんは、いつでもポチが自分たちのすぐ傍に居て欲しいと思い、その松の木で臼を作ることにしました。臼を使うたびごとにポチを思い出し、その心地よい音を、ポチと話しているように聴いていたい と考えたのです。(2013.11.1.)


As soon as it was done, they started using it to pound the little rice they had, and to their amazement they found that whenever they did use it , out would fly some gold coins.






"It is our dog," said the old woman. "Its spirit is trying to help us ."

They continued to pound, and the gold coins continued to spill onto the floor, wet with the old couple's tears as they remembered their kind and gentle dog.

Meanwhile, the greedy man had all the gold he had stolen. He had gambled it away and now he ha nothing.

He was poor again and returned to live near the old couple.

He saw the gold coins flying from their new rice mortar, and immediately he rushed into the house and look the rice mortar and the gold away. The old couple looked on helplessly .




When he got home , he called his wife . She was just as greedy as he was , and was very happy when the greedy man told her what he done. Straight away , they started pounding rice.


"I'm going to buy seven new horses," thought the greedy man .
"I'm can't wait to buy seven kimonos," thought his greedy wife.

But when they looked down t the rice mortar, they screamed.

What has happened ?" yelled the greedy woman.

"Where is my gold? "
Instead of gold, the rice mortar was filled with large,stinking tours.



The greedy couple so angry that they attacked the rice mortar and destroyed it.
They left the remains outside the old couple's home.


"Same people never learn ,"said the old man sadly.

The old couple picked up the remains of the rice mortar and burnt them. They prayed to their dog in front of the fire.

The old man put the ashes in a bowl and went out into the field.

He was going to scatter them when suddenly a strong wind blew some of the ashes out of the bowl and into the trees.

It was the end of autumn and the trees did not have any leaves, but as the ashes touched them, the branches began to blossom with white and pink flowers. They were the most beautiful flower's the old couple had ever seen.

At that very moment, a lord was passing through the area with his servants. He had been traveling along the road through the leafless forest, and now suddenly, he was surrounded by sweet-scented flowers - flowers that were so beautiful that the load and his servants cried out in wonder.
丁度その時、お殿様が家来を連れて近くを通りかかりました。殿様はそれまで葉をすっかり落とした木々の間を通ってきたので、突然えもいわれぬ花の香りに包まれて見上げると、木々は、今まで見たこともないような美しい花をいっぱいにつけて咲き誇っているのでした 。


He saw the old couple walking through the trees and high called to them. "Old man , old woman, do you know where all these flowered came from?"

The old man told him how the ashes had made trees bloom. He still had some of the ashes in his bowl, and so to prove it, he took a little and threw it onto a branch of a tree.

In a few seconds , the branch was covered in flowers.

"This is quite extraordinary . Even the gods cannot do this ," said the lord, shilling. "I will call you Old Man Blossom and I will tell this story to everyone I meet. Such beauty must be rewarded . Please, take this gold"

The lord gave the old couple two large boxes filled with gold. The old couple bowed on thanks as lord and his servants rode away.
お殿様は上機嫌で家来達を引き連れて、立ち去って行きました。 (2013.12.20)

The greedy couple was hiding behind a tree nearby, and they heard everything the lord had said
欲の深い爺さんと婆さんは、近くの木の陰に隠れて殿様の話していることをじっと 盗み聞いていました。

" We need to get those ashes, " said the greedy woman.
"We will show the lord that we can make blossoms too . Then he will give us gold".

「わしらもあの灰を取り上げて殿様に花を咲かせてみせよう、そうすれば、きっと 殿様がわしらにもご褒美を下さるぞ!」そう言って、欲張り婆さんは爺さんをけしかけました。

The greedy couple went to the old couple. They pushed them to the ground, took the remaining ashes, and caught up with the lord and servants.
 欲張り爺いと婆あは、すぐに正直爺さんと婆さんのところへ走っていき、二人を突 き倒すと、残っていた灰を取り上げました。
「オ〜イ待ってくれ、、供の衆、お殿様、待って下され」大声を上げて行列を追いか けました。行列を追い越し、先回りした欲張り爺いに、婆さんがささやきました。

"Climb up that tree and throw the ashes from there". whispered the greedy woman.
"It will be more spectacular".

「あの木のお登り!そしてあの枝から灰を撒くのよ、そうすればきっと美事な花を 咲かせることができるだろうよ」

The greedy man climbed the tree and onto a branch. As the lord and the servants passed underneath, he shouted,

"Look at me, I am more powerful than the gods.
I can make the trees blossom with flowers".



The lord and his servants looked up. The greasy man threw the ashes into the air, but strangely the ashes did not tern into flowers .

The ashes remained ashes, and they fell on top of the lord and servants, stinging their eyes and marking them choke.

"Its an attack !" shouted one of the servants, and he took out his bow and arrow, and shot the greedy man through the heart. And that was the end of him.

As for the greedy woman, she ran away in terror, and lived the rest of her life alone, poor and hungry. The old couple, on the other hand , lived happily ever after.


一方、正直爺さんとお婆さんは、殿様のご褒美を村の人たちと分け合って、毎日毎日楽しく暮らしました。 終わり(2014.1.17.)
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