
Urashimataro  浦島太郎

Once upon a time, there lived a young man by the seashore. His name was Urashimataro and he was a fisherman.


Once fine day, he was walking home along the beach when he noticed a small group of children. They were crowded around something, but he could not see what it was. Urashimataro went to have a look.


Getting closer, he could hear what the children were saying.


"It's not coming out," said one little girl. "You've got to hit it harder".


" Guve me that ," said one of boys. " I'll hit it, and you try and poke it out " .


" My dad says the best way is to use fire," said another girl.



As soon as she said " fire " all the children looked up.


" Yeah," let's make a fire,"


they shouted joyfully, but they saw Urashimataro approaching.


"So what are you naughty children up to now ? " asked Urashimataro kindly


" Nothing " one of the boys said , looking guiltily down at the sand . The others didn't say anything.


" Last time you said that you tried to boil your aunt's cat, remember ? Now , let me have a look"

「この間(こないだ)お前はおばさんの猫を茹でようとしたって言っていたじゃないか、そうだろ!忘れたのか、何をしているのか見せてみろ」 (2013.1.17.) トップへ戻る


He came closer , and saw there was a turtle behind the children. It had withdrawn inside its shell , and they had turnd it upside down and beaten it with thick tree branches .


" Idiots ! " shouted Urashimataro angrily .


" Haw would you like it if I beat you ? . At least, you would deserve it .
This turtle has done nothing to you " .


He picked up one of the tree branches and took a few threatening steps toward the children . They ran away screaming.


After they had disappeared , Urashimataro bent down and turned the turtle over.
"There , my friend, they've gone. You 're safe now " . And he left the turtle there .


「さあ、亀さんよ、もう大丈夫だ、子供達は行ってしまったよ」そう言うと亀をそこに残して立ち去りました。 (2013.1.24.)


A few days later , Urashimataro went out fishing in his little fishing boat as he usually did. He was pulling in one of nets, when he noticed a turtle raise its head above the water.


"Hello," said Urashimataro cheerfully.


"Hello", replied the turtle very slowiiy, looking at him with its large, sad eyes.
"You saved me ".


"Ah, it was nothing." said Urashimataro with a wave of his hand,
"Those children were just being idiots".

「イヤイヤ、、そんなことは何でもないよ、いたずらっ子達が悪さをしているのを見かけたのでね」と太郎は手を振りながら気軽に言いました。 (2013.1.31.)


The turtle nodded slowly and sadly.


"I told the Dragon King of how you saved me, and he has asked me to take you to him, so he can reward you ".


Urashimataro whistled.


"The Dragon King, eh ? That's an invitation I can't refuse."
The turtle nodded its head.


"Now , get on my back and I will take you to his palace under the sea."


"I hate to burst your bubble, my old friend, but I can't breath underwater. "

「私の友達の亀さんよ、あんたの夢のような話をぶちこわしすようで悪いんだけどネ、私は海の中では息が出来ないんだよ」 (2013.2.07.9


"That will not be a problem."


And so Urashimataro stepped out of the boat and onto the turtle's back. He gripped the edge of the shell and took a deep breath as the turtle disappeared beneath the surface of the water .


"You're going to hurt yourself if you keep on holding your breath," said the turtle as they swarm along underwater," and you don’t have to shut your eyes either".
Urashimataro sloely opend one eye, and what he saw made him gasp.


The water eas clear and blue, and they were swimming among fields of fantastically colored coral , dark forests of seaweed and mountains of shell-covered rock.


Fish of all shapes, size and colors awam around them. It was a world of enchnting, otherworldly , indeed breathtaking beauty. Then Urashimataro realized he was breathing.

 ( 2013.2.04.)
"I'm breathing!" he said.


"And people say I'm slow!" .said the turtle simply.
"It is the magic of the Dragon King that lets you breath."


They swam through a great coral archway guarded by two giant crabs into a long avenue, lined with seashells. At the end of the avenue, there stood the beautiful palace of the Dragon king with its magnificent roof , shaped like a great wave.




As they came closer, the main doors - made from oyster shells - opened to reveal a cod.


"Welcome", said the cod. "Follow me ".


They followed the cod into a large hall where the Dragon King was waiting, with his mane of sea-blue hair and his silver scales. Urashimataro bowed

タラに案内されて大広間に着くと、そこには竜宮城の王様が待っていました。王様は透き通るような青い毛でできた王冠を被り、銀色に輝くうろこの上衣をまとって玉座に座っていらっしゃいました。太郎は深々とお辞儀をしました。 (2013.2.21.)


" You saved the turrle," said the ]Dregon King, his voice like wind on the wave.


" To thank you, I want you to stay with us here in my palace. You will be treated very well, I promise."




Urashimataro heard a rustle of silk behind him. "Ah, my doughter." said the king.


" Let me introuduce you to my daughter. "


Urashimataro turned find the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. Her skin was coror of pearl, her eyes were like rock pools, her long hair was lustrous and black.


"So, you are the famous hero," she said bowing to him, with a faint smile on her coral-red lips.



" Hero ? Well, sort of I mean, no, not really, well, sure , anything you say," mumbled Urashimataro, embarrassed.


The Dragon King laughed.
" My doughter, you have frightened our hero. We must celebrate his arraival befor he runs away."


Immediately, all the doors to the hall opened, and a number of octopi entered, carrying tables and plates and cups.


They served them kelp wine, while flatfish brought delicious seaweed and anemone cakes to the tables on their backs.

宴会の準備が整うとすぐに海藻で作られたお酒が出されました。今度はヒラメがその平らな背中においしい海藻のサラダとイソギンチャクの形をしたケーキを載せて運んで来ました。( 2013.3.8.)

A school of sea bream and mackerel began to sing and dance to music played by crabs and lobsters on seashell drums and coral flutes.


It was already dark when , very drunk and very happy, Urashimataro made his way to bed , lit by the light of kloating jellyfish.





Over the next week, urashimataro had best time of his life. During the day, he went on long drives through the reefs with the Dragon King's doughter, riding large seashell carriages drawn by seahorses.


And at night there would be a great banquet, with much singing and dancing , eating and drinking.

そして夜は歌や踊りを楽しみながら、大宴会が来る日も来る日も続きました。 (2013.3.15.)


but Urashimataro was a simple man and he began to wish for the simple pleasures of his old life - going out every morning on his little fishing boat to cach fish and relaxing on the beach in the sfternoon.


So on the eighth day, as he stared out of his window onto the palace garden, where the Dragon King was training on his dolphins and his doughter was picking anemone, he decided to go home.




The Dragonn King was disappointed to hear this and tried to persuade him to stay , but Urashimataro had made up his mind.


So he said farewell to the king and his dougter, and as he left she gave him a beautiful littke box as a rememberance of their friendship.


"But you must never open it - not for any reason"., she warned him, and he promised her that he never would.


When Urashimataro arrived back at the bay where he had lived, he was suprised to find his house had disappeared, and he hurried to the nearby village to ask what had happened to it.


But walking through the village, he was even more passer-by .


Do you know what happened to Urashimataro's house?"

そして、通りがかりの村人をつかまえて、「もし、、お前さん、浦島太郎の家がどうなったかしっていないかね、、」と尋ねました。 (2013.3.29.)


"Urashimataro?" said the man.


"Wait, I've heard that name before. Ah, yes, he's that man. who disappered into the sea on the back of a turtle , right ?"



"Yes, yes, that's him," he said eagerly.


"That was 100 years ago . You won't find his house naow " .


Urashimataro choked "One hundred years ago ?"


Yes, something like that. Theysay he marriied the Dragon King 's daughter and is living happily under the sea, lucky devil," the man said,


and then lowering his voice, he added,


"but some say he ran off with a married woman from a nearby village and that his relatives made up the turtle story."


Urashimataro left the man and went to sit down on the beach.
"It was only eight days, it couldn't have been 100 years" he thought.


He picked up the box given to him by the Dragon King's daughter and looked at it now, as thought its contents would explain everything.


"Just a little look inside, " he thought to himselfe. "What could be wrong with that?"


So he opend the lid. All of a sudden, smoke came pouring out , surrounding him and making him cough. Then he screamed, for his skin had brgun to wrinkle and turn yellow, his back had begun to bend, his hair had begun to turn white.




The villagers came running when they heard the screams, but all they found when they arrived on the beach was a mad old man sitting in the sand staring at his trembling hands.

『何だろう?」村人達の何人かが浜辺へ駆けつけました。するとそこには自分の震える手をじっと眺めて座り込んでいる気の狂った老人がいるばかりでした。 終わり (2013.8.26.)

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