姥捨て山 Old People's Mountain 

Once apon a time, there was a load who hated old people.
"Look at them", he would say, "None of them work.
They spend their days eating , sleeping and nagging our young folk. Useless,that's what they are. I must get rid of them.



One day, after passing a group of old men chatting cheerfully on the roadsaide,the load was so furios that he went straight back to his castle and passed a new law.

"All people over the 60, male or female are to be taken to the mountains and left there to die.
All those disobeying this law will be punished severely"



(Pssed new law, は、法を通すという議会思考からきた表現ですが、この場合は独断専行の日本の殿様ですから、お触れを出すという言葉になりました)

So the next day, ander the watchful eyes of the Lord's guardsmen, the villagegers gathered together all the old people in the village,Some families, who could not bear to part with their parents, had hidden them away in their homes.

But the lord's guardsmen soon found them and dragged them out of hiding.



Soon, oll the people had been gathered together, and the guardsmen satarted to lead them away, They shuffled sadly out of the village, passing their families who all wept, although some of them were secretly plersed.



There was a farmer, who lived near the village with his mother. He loved her very much, and he could not bear the thought that he would have to part with her because of this new law. She was still 59, but in a month, she would turn 60 and be taken away from him.
"I will be going to meet the Buddha and live with him in paradise" his mother would say, whenever her son looked paticularly unhappy.





Soon the day came when his mother had to leave for the mountains. The guardmen came knocking on his door to take her away.


" If she must go, then I will carry her there myself" the farmer told the guardsmen. They agreed to this. So his mother climbed on his back, and together with the guardsmen, they walkedto the mountain where the lord had orederd all the old people to be left.



At the foot of the mountain were more guardsmen, making sure that none of the old people left the mountain and that none of the younger people could make contact with them or bring them food.



"We'll take her from here," said one of the guardsmen, but the farmer said stubbornly, "I'll carry her myself". "Fain, but don't think of trying to sneak out with her," the guardsman warned.

「よし、わかった、母親と一緒に逃げだそうなんて考えるなよ!」と兵士の一人が釘を刺すようにいいました。 (2012.3.08.)

The man set off with his mother on his back. "We'll find you somewhere comfortable, don't you worry", he told her, as they climbed the steep tree-covered sloop, up and up the sun began to set, "It won't make much difference anyway.


Tears filled the farmer's eyes. "I can't leave you here, I can't", he said. "I'll take you back"


"But you'll be punished", said his mother fearfully. "I would rather die".
"We'll find a way," he said and despite her protests, he hurried down the mountain again in the dark with his mother still on his back.


Luckily, the guardsmen has started drinking long ago, and the twe of them managed to sneak through the dark and past the guards quite easily. By dawn, they were home again.



Once home, the farmer pulled up some of the floorboards and started digging a hole. "I'm afraid you're going to have to live in here" he said, "It's better than that mountain, though, because at least here, "Ill be able to take care of you.


So for the next six months, the old woman lived underneath the floor, only coming out late at night, when all was dark and everyone was asleep. Her son son took great care of her and made sure she was never found.


One day, a messenger came from the lord of neghboring land. He came galloping to the gate of the lord's castle and announced:
"My lordship demands that you surrender your lands to him, unless you can give him a rope made out of ash and dram that plays by itself. You have two days to do this."




二日間の猶予を与える(突然の出来事に城の中は大騒ぎになりました)。 (2012.3.22.)


This is a joke," cried the lord from the castle wall. "How am I supposed to get these impossible things? They don't exist.


The lord was terrified. He know that neghboring lord was much more pawerfull that he was, and could crush him easily in battle.


Immediately, he sent horsemen galloping through his land, offering a great reward to anyone who could tell him how to make an ash rope and a drum that plays by itself.




The farmer heard them pass. "What nonsense is the lord up to now?" he thought to himself, but that night he told his mother what he had heard that day.


"That's easy", said his mother with a twinkle in her eye. "To make a rope out of ash, all you have to do is weave a rope, soak it in sea water, dry it, and them burn it. Make sure you carry it carefully on a flat surface, otherwise it will crumble.





"As for the drum," she continued, "all you have to do is put a lot of large bees in a small drum. Inside, they'll crash against the sides of the drum, and that's how you make a drun that plays by itself".



The old woman looked at her son, whose mouth was open in astonishment.


When the man found his voice, he shouted, "I've got it. You're saved", and he ran out of the house to the lord's castle, where he told the lord what his mother had told him.



"And you thought this all up by yourself" cried the lord, happily slapping him on his back.


"You have saved us all, You will be rewarded handsomely for this".
"No, My mother told me how to do it."


"Wonderful! Bring her here," shouted the lord joyfully.
"She will be rewarded too."


"Please, my lord, I can't, for she is 60.


"What? She should be dead!" the lord said angrily.



"But my lord," said the farmer. "It is only by her wisdom, the wisdom of old people, that your lands have been saved."


The lord looked very unhappy.


He did not want to admit that old people could be useful. But in the end, he did, and he withdrew his law against people over 60.


From that day on, all the old people in the land were treated with respect and admired for their wisdom, and the farmer and his mother lived happily ever after.


(皆さんもお家のおじいさん、おばあさんと仲良く暮らしてね) (2012.4.19.)
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