Tutorial チュートリアル

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They are return to castle safety. First, you should rest at Adventurer's Inn. There are many kind of rooms at Inn. Damages will be recoverd when you rest at a room with charge. Stables are free, but no damege will be recovered. Only magic powers recover, so you should rest at stables when you used all magic powers to cast HEAL spells, and enter the dungeon. HEAL spell is FREE.

You can sleep while you have enough gold. If the character is OK, tap Wake up.

If the character have enough experiments, he will reaches next level when wake up. He can get attributes and HP after reaches next level, but sometimes attributes down. Wizard and priest may learn a new spell.

Check the new spell to open Spell Book.

魔術師がWHERE ISの呪文を覚えると、キャンプ中にオートマップを確認する事が出来ます。
Once wizard learn WHERE IS spell, you can check automatic-made map at camp.

Brown is a block you reached, and red dot is now you are here. You should stay the area you see until all party members glow up enough to fight.

If a character dies in the maze, body will gone to Temple after he returns to castle. To resurrect him, go to Temple. It's NOT free.

Temple don't support them if you don't hove enough gold.

If character religious, he may be saved.

If NOT, he may be in more serious situation.

We home never you see this.
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