Tutorial チュートリアル

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You can get experiments and golds after defeat monsters. You moved foward, and you found something on the right. You can see a door on the right side of next block.

You are in front of door.

Once you defeat monsters behind the door, you find a chest. Maybe the monsters guard a treasure in this room. NOTE there is a trap in the chest. If you open this, trap fires. You should inspect type of the trap.

Thieves are good at find the trap. It's safer. Thief inspect the trap...

毒針(POISON NEEDLE)の罠がかかっているようです。次は罠を外す番です。
...a POISON NEEDLE. It's a trap. Next, thief Disarm the trap.

You should disarm too carefully.

If the thief mistake the type of trap, or fail to disarm, the trap fires!

爆弾(EXPLODING BOX)には注意してください。レベルが低いうちはこれだけで全滅する事があります。序盤のうちは爆弾が出たらあきらめたほうがいい場合もあります。
Caution to EXPLODING BOX. Party may all slain if they are weak. If they are, Leave the chest may be better.

Lelev1 or 2 Characters are too weak to survive. You should take care their damage carefully, and back to castle soon for rest.
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