Burkina Faso 2001Argentin 1989SanMarino 1966Surinam 1977
Nile Perch
Lates niloticus
Smallmouth Perch
Percichthys trucha
Atlantic Wreckfish
Polyprion americanus
Royal Gramma
Gramma loreto
Madagascar 1990North Korea 1993Grenada 1975
Blacktip Grouper
Epinephelus fasciatus
Longtooth Grouper
Epinephelus moara
Giant Grouper
Epinephelus lanceolatus
Surinam 1977Yugoslavia 1956Republic of Korea 1989Surinam 1977
Candy Basslet
Liopropoma carmabi
Painted Comber
Serranus scriba
Barred Knifejaw
Oplegnathus fasciatus
Yellow-headed Jawfish
Opistognathus aurifrons
Hungary 1962United States of America 1986Poland 1979
Black Belt Sunfish
Mesogonistius chaetodon
Largemouth Bass
Micropterus salmoides
European Perch
Perca fluviatilis
Peru 1972Grenada 1975Democratic Cambodia 1983Vietnam 2001
Popeye Catalufa
Pristigenys serrula
Coryphaene hippurus
Eastern Paradise Fish
Polynemus dubius
Toxotes microlepis
Republic of Congo 1961Peru 1972Japan 1967
Rainbow Runner
Elagatis bipinnulatus
Pacific Jack Mackerel
Trachurus symmetricus
Japanese Amberjack
Seriola quinqueradiata
Peru 2004Cuba 1971Democratic Republic of Vietnam 1967North Korea 1993
Chilean Jack Mackerel
Trachurus murphyi
Seriola species
Black Pomfret
Parastromateus niger
Pilot Fish
Naucrates ductor
Democratic Republic of Vietnam 1967Dominican Republic 1976Republic of Korea 1990
Saddle-Tailed Sea-Perch
Lutjanus erythropterus
Red Snapper
Lutianus aya
Hapalogenys mucronatus
SanMarino 1966South Africa 1974South Africa 1974Japan 1966
Common Dentex
Dentex dentex
South Africa's Zebrafish
Diplodus cervinus
Red Roman Fish
Chrysoblephus laticeps
Red Seabream
Pagrus major
Democratic Republic of Vietnam 1967Yugoslavia 1956South Africa 1974Republic of Korea 1991
Red Collared Emperor
Lethrinus haematopterus
Mullus surmuletus
Coracinus capensis
Juvenile Sharpnose Tigerfish
Rhyncopelates oxyrhynchus
Poland 1967Poland 1967Poland 1967Poland 1967
Blackback Butterflyfish
Chaetodon melanotus
Diagonal Butterflyfish
Chaetodon fasciatus
Arabian Butterflyfish
Chaetodon melapterus
Saddle Butterflyfish
Chaetodon ephippium
Surinam 1977Western Samoa 1972Vietnam 1984Madagascar 1990
Banded Butterflyfish
Chaetodon striatus
Melon Butterflyfish
Chaetodon trifasciatus
Copperband Butterflyfish
Chelmon rostratus
Pennant Coralfish
Heniochus acuminatus
Poland 1967Poland 1967Dominican Republic 1976Surinam 1977
Emperor Angelfish (child)
Pomacanthus imperator
Semicircle Angelfish (child)
Pomacanthus semicirculatus
Queen Angelfish
Holacanthus ciliaris
Cherub Angelfish
Centropyge argi

Blackfin Seabass
Lateolabrax latus
Potato Grouper
Epinephelus tukula
Largemouth Bass
Micropterus salmoides
Spotnape Cardinalfish
Apogon notatus
African Pompano (child fish)
Alectis ciliaris
Pennant Coralfish
Heniochus acuminatus
Old Wife Fish
Enoplosus armatus
Barred Knifejaw
Oplegnathus fasciatus

About 9,300 kinds are included in Perciformes in not only fish but also the vertebrate in the greatest group.
Most of friends of Bella make a female, a sex change of the proterogyny which it becomes big, and becomes male small. In them, only one big, strong male holds the territory, and many females and an opportunity to spread of the inside are provided. It lay an egg as a female even if male when it is small if there is not an opportunity of the breeding.
The anemone fish is famous by living together with the large-sized sea anemones such as coral sea anemones. The feeler of the sea anemone is toxic to a common fish, but this seed has immunity. It is because a material controlling the attack of the sea anemone is included in the viscous liquid of the surface of a body of this seed.

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