Last modified: Feb 20, 2001
'japan.*' is one of the categories of newsgroups. Japanese language is mainly used in this category. The first article of 'japan.*' is posted at September 10, 1996.
Fundamental and basic documents about 'japan.*' are posted at November 1, 1996 in japan.admin.announce.
These documents are written based on discussion in 'japan.config'. Additionaly, you may need to read articles in 'japan.*'. for understanding of "What is 'japan.*' ?"
Here is the list of newsgroups that I can access.
NOTICE: These lists are not always up-to-date, because I maintenance them by hand.
Currently, anyone can issue newgroup/rmgroup messages (but, must propose and discussion in 'japan.admin.groups'). So, for example, you can set your INN 'control.ctl' file in a following way.
## JAPAN (Japan and Japanese language) #checkgroups:*:japan.*:mail*:doit newgroup:*:japan.*:doit=newgroup rmgroup:*:japan.*:mail
PGP-signed control messages are also available. These are issued voluntarily to filter abusive control messages.
The PGP public key to verify these messages is available from . For your convenience, I put it here.
Sample control.ctl entry:
# JAPAN newsgroups newgroup:*:japan.*:drop rmgroup:*:japan.*:drop**