Web サイトと FTP サイト

本来、www.microsoft.com などのドメイン名は、個々のコンピュータを表すものでした。現在では、Windows 2000 Server が稼働している 1 台のコンピュータで、複数の Web サイトや FTP サイトを同時に運用し、複数のコンピュータがあるように見せることができます。各 Web サイトは、1 つまたは複数のドメイン名のホストとなることができます。各サイトが別々のコンピュータのように動作するので、サイトを "仮想サーバー" と呼ぶこともあります。



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(The following words are used by Search; they are not intended to be displayed on the page.) administer, adminstration, basics, simple, welcome, overview, admin, administrator, manage, manager, management, c:\, inetpub, wwwroot, url, internet, friendly name, text name, iis, snap-in, ism, internet service manager, alias, physical location, publishing point, ftp, webmaster, configure, configuration, set up, setup, organize, organization, html, http, web page, browser, browsers, old, older, previous, versions, 2.0, 3.0, default configuration, default setup, default settings, defaults, inherit, inheritance, inherited, explorer, navigator, site, notepad, frontpage, visual interdev, asp, active server pages, content, file, files, change, tree, directory, directories, folder, folders, structure, associate, link, links, home, start, default, virtual directory, vdir, v-dir, vroot, v-root, virtual root, virtual servers, unc, http, ip, address, addresses, access, links, more information, many, multiple, several, establish, create, more, add, new, web, webs, site, sites, separate, user, realm, domain, domains, dns, host, serve, multihost, multi-host, multi-hosting, multihome, host, header, headers, ip address, web address, namespace, name space, start, starting, stop, stopping,adding, hosting, messages, ftp, download, upload, resume, output, style, custom, customize, port, header, restart, reboot, service, services, server, global, parent, child, subweb, subwebs, sub-web, sub-webs, subfolder, sub-folder, sub-folders, subfolders, subdirectory, sub-directory, subdirectories, sub-directories, remote, browser-based, over network, admin, administrator, delegate, limited, operator, assign, operators, offsite, off-site, across network, over internet, downlevel, workstation, client, properties, property sheet