The first task is to prepare the foundations for the front wall. Here you can see the shape of the 'extension' to the room - sort of a bay with four windows that will encompass the balcony space. I prepared some simple forms, mixed up some concrete, and poured footings for the new walls.

As you will see later, the interior walls will be built standing slightly away from the concrete shell. I want a ventilation space back there, to avoid any chance of moisture coming out of the concrete and spoiling the room. The plan is to have a small fan running continuously, sending air into that space. The half-pipe you see in this next photo (passing under the footing) is one of a pair which will be connected to ducts passing beneath the floor and bringing the air out from that ventilation space.

Here are a couple of shots that show the surrounding area. The river is quite low these days - we've had a wonderful spell of clear dry autumn weather ...

The tree you see losing its yellow leaves is actually growing on the opposite side of the river. My printing bench will eventually be located just about where you see the wooden 'stool'. The railing there will be cut away, to be replaced by a 2 x 6 framed and insulated wall (with windows).