Last Update Aug. 28, 2001  日本語はこちら


Tufting / 76k / Aug. 2001 / by Tsutomu Higo

    I had sunk my roots deep into,
      And the roots had imprisoned me deeply unnoticed.

    Scene file : ptroot.txt

Rooting / 73k / Aug. 2001 / by Tsutomu Higo

    We have been careering along,
      Carried away by the darkness in our mind.

    Scene file : ptlookb.txt

Looking back / 61k / Aug. 2001 / by Tsutomu Higo

    I've been intoxicated
      With their admiration,
        As if confined into their word.

    Scene file : ptadmir.txt

Admiring / 68k / Aug. 2001 / by Tsutomu Higo

    Dancing and dancing we've been
      Repeating infinitely to be agonized.

    Scene file : ptdance.txt

Dancing / 60k / Aug. 2001 / by Tsutomu Higo

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