Last Update May 5, 2003  日本語はこちら


    These are so said Platonic polyhedra and 13 Archimedian polyhedra.
    The 5 polyhedra on the uppest line are Platonic.

    Scene file : lpplhfrm.txt

Plato and Archimedes / 82k / Dec. 2000 / by Tsutomu Higo

    Seeing this upper image, you may want to categorize them. Of course I did it and got this left image.
    I got a family from hexahedron to octahedron which can be expressed by one function.

    Scene file : lpplhmd4.txt

Hexahedra Family / 29k / Dec. 2000 / by Tsutomu Higo

    Same with upper hexahedron family, I got another one family from dodecahedron to icosahedron which can be expressed by one function.

    Scene file : lpplhmd5.txt

Dodecahedra Family / 30k / Dec. 2000 / by Tsutomu Higo

    There are many other categorizing ways. I show two ways among them and these ways show many polyhedra besides Platonic and Archimedian. I show polyhedra with from triangle to heptagon and triangles or squares. You can see that in this way all polygon can form polyhedra with triangles or squares. But they are similar to drums and not so beautiful.

    Scene file : lpplhmdn.txt

Drum Shaped Polyhedra Family / 41k / Dec. 2000 / by Tsutomu Higo

    Plato said that all shapes shall be come into polyhedra. So I composed some shapes with polyhedra. I connected polyhedra at their pentagon surfaces one by one to a chain and got the left image.

    Scene file : lpplhchn.txt

Chain of Polyhedra / 55k / Dec. 2000 / by Tsutomu Higo

    Like upper I made a radiant from polyhedra by connecting pentagon surfaces with dodecahedra.

    Scene file : lpplhrad.txt

Radiant of Polyhedra / 67k / Dec. 2000 / by Tsutomu Higo

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