演習11 のユーザーフォーム コード

------ [UserForm1] -------
Private Sub Average_Click()
  Dim A As Single
  Dim R As String
  With Worksheets("Sheet1")
    A = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(Range("B1:B10"))
    MsgBox "平均は " & A
      For J = 4 To 5
        .Cells(2, J).Interior.Color = QBColor(13)
      Next J
        R = Space(8): RSet R = "平均"
        .Cells(2, 4).Value = R
        .Cells(2, 5).Value = A
  End With
End Sub

Private Sub Clear_Click()
  With Worksheets("Sheet1")
  End With
End Sub

Private Sub Closed_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Stdev_Click()
  Dim D As Single
  Dim R As String
  With Worksheets("Sheet1")
    D = Application.WorksheetFunction.Stdev(Range("B1:B10"))
    MsgBox "標準偏差は " & D
      For J = 4 To 5
        .Cells(3, J).Interior.Color = QBColor(11)
      Next J
        R = Space(4): RSet R = "標準偏差"
        .Cells(3, 4).Value = R
        .Cells(3, 5).Value = D
  End With
End Sub

Private Sub Sum_Click()
  Dim S As Integer
  Dim R As String
  With Worksheets("Sheet1")
    S = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("B1:B10"))
    MsgBox "合計は " & S
      For J = 4 To 5
        .Cells(1, J).Interior.Color = QBColor(14)
      Next J
        R = Space(8): RSet R = "合計"
        .Cells(1, 4).Value = R
        .Cells(1, 5).Value = S
  End With
End Sub

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