G3RUH / James Miller氏からのメール

● (FUROKU.14) G3RUH / James Miller氏からのメール (1995年 5月10日)

 先日、JA3CF 岩崎氏や JJ1WTK 坂本氏と、「PACSAT」という用語の定義について

 では極めて有名な、皆様ご存知の、あの G3RUH / J.R.Miller 氏に、不躾ながら
 インターネットを通じ E-Mail(電子メール)を発信してみたところ、本日(5/10)
 その G3RUH / J.R.Miller 氏から、以下のような私信をいただきました。

  Subject: "PACSAT" ?
  To     : G3RUH
  From   : JE9PEL

  Hello, Mr. James Miller G3RUH.
  My name is Mineo Wakita JE9PEL, I live in Yokohama-City JAPAN.

  I'm operating now everyday @ KO-23, KO-25, UO-22, with KENWOOD-
  TS790S, G3RUH-9600modem, IBM-machine(80486DX2/66MHz), and Ante_
  nna is 144(8el-Quad), 430(20el*2-Yagi).

  Well, I'm reading now your understandable bulletin messages for
  satellite AO-13 in "JAMSAT-Newsletter's". Thank you very much, 
  and I shall expect to write new articles for satellites.

  May I ask you a "FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION" ?

     Do you think of a definition of the word "PACSAT" ?
     I think that is "AO-16" only, or "any satellites" including
     UO-22, KO-23, KO-25 etc. ?

                                 de Mineo Wakita / JE9PEL

> === (3) inbox, 95/ 5/10 05:27  James R Miller
> Subject: Re: "PACSAT" ?
> Date   : 95/11/ 6 08:51
> To     : JE9PEL
> ---
> Dear Mineo,
> Thank you for your note discussing the word "Pacsat".
> The word PACSAT originated from the words PACket SATellite, when the idea of
> such a spacecraft was at the concept stage.
> Subsequently, it became an alias for AO-16.  However, I would agree with you
> that it applies to any "PACket SATellite", and so is a valid description of
> FO-20, UO-22, KO-23, KO-25 etc. 
> -- 
>            []---------------------------------------------[]
>            |               73 de James G3RUH               |
>            |               g3ruh(@)amsat.org               |
>            |      StarDate: 1995 May 09 [Tue] 2031 utc     |
>            []---------------------------------------------[]
