Japan 1974British Jersey 1999Democratic Republic of Germany 1962Chili 1948
Bonin Flying Fox
Pteropus pselaphon
Nathusius's Pipistrelle Bat
Pipistrellus nathusii
Long-eared Bat
Plecotus auritus
Red Fruit Bat
Stenoderma chilensis

Daito Flying Fox
Pteropus dasymallus
Greater Horseshoe Bat
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum
Beccari's Freetail Bat
Mormopterus beccarii
Long-eared Bat
Plecotus auritus

The Chiroptera have a long bone of the manual arm, bone of the finger very, and a parachute forms in growth, the meantime, and it is it with a wing and can fly about the air freely. The thumb protrudes apart from a wing and, among five fingers, has big hanging nail. The body is covered with hair.
The Bonin flying fox does the crowd of thousands in the daytime at several hundred time and hangs from a bough and takes a rest and it demand fruit from sunset and begin to move, and it can eat a vegetable and takes a rest several hours. If a vegetable eating is over, it return to an original tree. it say that it use the same tree for the home for several years. The staple food turns down only juice with fruit juice and drinks and spits out the refuse.

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