




Unicodeのアラビア文字(The Unicode Standard ArabicPDFファイル外部へのリンク)を十六進数の数値文字参照で記述した表です。

Subtending marks(サブテンド・マーク)

Unicode 表示 名称
0600 ؀ Arabic Number Sign
0601 ؁ Arabic Sign Sanah
0602 ؂ Arabic Footnote Marker
0603 ؃ Arabic Sign Safha
0604 ؄ Arabic Sign Samvat

Supertending mark(スーパーテンド・マーク)

Unicode 表示 名称
0605 ؅ Arabic Number Mark Above

Radix symbols(根号)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
0606 ؆ Arabic-Indic Cube Root 221B(∛)
0607 ؇ Arabic-Indic Fourth Root 221C(∜)

Letterlike symbol(文字様記号)

Unicode 表示 名称
0608 ؈ Arabic Ray


Unicode 表示 名称 備考
0609 ؉ Arabic-Indic Per Mille Sign 2030(‰)
060A ؊ Arabic-Indic Per Ten Thousand Sign 2031(‱)

Currency symbol(通貨記号)

Unicode 表示 名称
060B ؋ Afghani Sign


Unicode 表示 名称 備考
060C ، Arabic Comma 002C(,)2E32(⸲)2E41(⹁)
060D ؍ Arabic Date Separator

Poetic marks(詩記号)

Unicode 表示 名称
060E ؎ Arabic Poetic Verse Sign
060F ؏ Arabic Sign Misra


Unicode 表示 名称 備考
0610 ◌ؐ Arabic Sign Sallallahou Alayhe Wassallam
0611 ◌ؑ Arabic Sign Alayhe Assallam FD47(﵇)
0612 ◌ؒ Arabic Sign Rahmatullah Alayhe FD40(﵀)
0613 ◌ؓ Arabic Sign Radi Allahou Anhu FD41(﵁)
0614 ◌ؔ Arabic Sign Takhallus

Quranic annotation sign(コーラン注釈記号)

Unicode 表示 名称
0615 ◌ؕ Arabic Small High Tah

Extended Arabic mark(拡張アラビア記号)

Unicode 表示 名称
0616 ◌ؖ Arabic Small High Ligature Alef With Lam With Yeh

Quranic annotation signs(コーラン注釈記号)

Unicode 表示 名称
0617 ◌ؗ Arabic Small High Zain
0618 ◌ؘ Arabic Small Fatha
0619 ◌ؙ Arabic Small Damma
061A ◌ؚ Arabic Small Kasra


Unicode 表示 名称 備考
061B ؛ Arabic Semicolon 003B(;)204F(⁏)2E35(⸵)

Format character(書式制御文字)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
061C ؜ Arabic Letter Mark 200F(‏)


Unicode 表示 名称 備考
061D ؝ Arabic End Of Text Mark
061E ؞ Arabic Triple Dot Punctuation Mark
061F ؟ Arabic Question Mark 003F(?)2E2E(⸮)

Addition for Kashmiri(カシミール語用追加)

Unicode 表示 名称
0620 ؠ Arabic Letter Kashmiri Yeh

Based on ISO 8859-6(ISO 8859-6に基づくもの)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
0621 ء Arabic Letter Hamza 02BE(ʾ)
0622 آ Arabic Letter Alef With Madda Above 0627(‎ا‎) 0653(◌ٓ)
0623 أ Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Above 0627(‎ا‎) 0654(◌ٔ)
0624 ؤ Arabic Letter Waw With Hamza Above 0648(‎و‎) 0654(◌ٔ)
0625 إ Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Below 0627(‎ا‎) 0655(◌ٕ)
0626 ئ Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above 064A(‎ي‎) 0654(◌ٔ)
0627 ا Arabic Letter Alef
0628 ب Arabic Letter Beh
0629 ة Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta
062A ت Arabic Letter Teh
062B ث Arabic Letter Theh
062C ج Arabic Letter Jeem
062D ح Arabic Letter Hah
062E خ Arabic Letter Khah
062F د Arabic Letter Dal
0630 ذ Arabic Letter Thal
0631 ر Arabic Letter Reh
0632 ز Arabic Letter Zain
0633 س Arabic Letter Seen
0634 ش Arabic Letter Sheen
0635 ص Arabic Letter Sad
0636 ض Arabic Letter Dad
0637 ط Arabic Letter Tah
0638 ظ Arabic Letter Zah
0639 ع Arabic Letter Ain 01B9(ƹ)02BF(ʿ)
063A غ Arabic Letter Ghain

Additions for early Persian and Azerbaijani(初期ペルシア語とアゼルバイジャン語用追加)

Unicode 表示 名称
063B ػ Arabic Letter Keheh With Two Dots Above
063C ؼ Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Below
063D ؽ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Inverted V
063E ؾ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Two Dots Above
063F ؿ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Three Dots Above

Based on ISO 8859-6(ISO 8859-6に基づくもの)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
0640 ـ Arabic Tatweel
0641 ف Arabic Letter Feh
0642 ق Arabic Letter Qaf
0643 ك Arabic Letter Kaf
0644 ل Arabic Letter Lam
0645 م Arabic Letter Meem
0646 ن Arabic Letter Noon
0647 ه Arabic Letter Heh
0648 و Arabic Letter Waw
0649 ى Arabic Letter Alef Maksura 0626(‎ئ‎)
064A ي Arabic Letter Yeh 08A8(‎ࢨ‎)

Tashkil from ISO 8859-6(ISO 8859-6の母音記号)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
064B ◌ً Arabic Fathatan
064C ◌ٌ Arabic Dammatan
064D ◌ٍ Arabic Kasratan
064E ◌َ Arabic Fatha
064F ◌ُ Arabic Damma
0650 ◌ِ Arabic Kasra
0651 ◌ّ Arabic Shadda
0652 ◌ْ Arabic Sukun 06E1(◌ۡ)

Combining maddah and hamza(合成可能マッダとハムザ)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
0653 ◌ٓ Arabic Maddah Above 089C(◌࢜)089E(◌࢞)089F(◌࢟)
0654 ◌ٔ Arabic Hamza Above
0655 ◌ٕ Arabic Hamza Below

Other combining marks(その他の合成可能記号)

Unicode 表示 名称
0656 ◌ٖ Arabic Subscript Alef
0657 ◌ٗ Arabic Inverted Damma
0658 ◌٘ Arabic Mark Noon Ghunna
0659 ◌ٙ Arabic Zwarakay
065A ◌ٚ Arabic Vowel Sign Small V Above
065B ◌ٛ Arabic Vowel Sign Inverted Small V Above
065C ◌ٜ Arabic Vowel Sign Dot Below
065D ◌ٝ Arabic Reversed Damma
065E ◌ٞ Arabic Fatha With Two Dots
065F ◌ٟ Arabic Wavy Hamza Below

Arabic-Indic digits(アラビア数字)

Unicode 表示 名称
0660 ٠ Arabic-Indic Digit Zero
0661 ١ Arabic-Indic Digit One
0662 ٢ Arabic-Indic Digit Two
0663 ٣ Arabic-Indic Digit Three
0664 ٤ Arabic-Indic Digit Four
0665 ٥ Arabic-Indic Digit Five
0666 ٦ Arabic-Indic Digit Six
0667 ٧ Arabic-Indic Digit Seven
0668 ٨ Arabic-Indic Digit Eight
0669 ٩ Arabic-Indic Digit Nine


Unicode 表示 名称 備考
066A ٪ Arabic Percent Sign 0025(%)
066B ٫ Arabic Decimal Separator
066C ٬ Arabic Thousands Separator 0027(')2019(’)
066D ٭ Arabic Five Pointed Star 002A(*)

Archaic letters(古い文字)

Unicode 表示 名称
066E ٮ Arabic Letter Dotless Beh
066F ٯ Arabic Letter Dotless Qaf


Unicode 表示 名称
0670 ◌ٰ Arabic Letter Superscript Alef

Extended Arabic letters(拡張アラビア文字)

Unicode 表示 名称
0671 ٱ Arabic Letter Alef Wasla
0672 ٲ Arabic Letter Alef With Wavy Hamza Above

Deprecated letter(非推奨文字)

Unicode 表示 名称
0673 ٳ Arabic Letter Alef With Wavy Hamza Below

High hamza(ハイハムザ)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
0674 ٴ Arabic Letter High Hamza

Digraphic letters for Kazakh(カザフ語用二重字)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
0675 ٵ Arabic Letter High Hamza Alef 0627(‎ا‎) 0674(‎ٴ‎)
0676 ٶ Arabic Letter High Hamza Waw 0648(‎و‎) 0674(‎ٴ‎)
0677 ٷ Arabic Letter U With Hamza Above 06C7(‎ۇ‎) 0674(‎ٴ‎)
0678 ٸ Arabic Letter High Hamza Yeh 064A(‎ي‎) 0674(‎ٴ‎)

Extended Arabic letters(拡張アラビア文字)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
0679 ٹ Arabic Letter Tteh
067A ٺ Arabic Letter Tteheh
067B ٻ Arabic Letter Beeh
067C ټ Arabic Letter Teh With Ring
067D ٽ Arabic Letter Teh With Three Dots Above Downwards
067E پ Arabic Letter Peh
067F ٿ Arabic Letter Teheh
0680 ڀ Arabic Letter Beheh
0681 ځ Arabic Letter Hah With Hamza Above
0682 ڂ Arabic Letter Hah With Two Dots Vertical Above
0683 ڃ Arabic Letter Nyeh
0684 ڄ Arabic Letter Dyeh
0685 څ Arabic Letter Hah With Three Dots Above
0686 چ Arabic Letter Tcheh
0687 ڇ Arabic Letter Tcheheh
0688 ڈ Arabic Letter Ddal
0689 ډ Arabic Letter Dal With Ring
068A ڊ Arabic Letter Dal With Dot Below
068B ڋ Arabic Letter Dal With Dot Below And Small Tah
068C ڌ Arabic Letter Dahal
068D ڍ Arabic Letter Ddahal
068E ڎ Arabic Letter Dul
068F ڏ Arabic Letter Dal With Three Dots Above Downwards
0690 ڐ Arabic Letter Dal With Four Dots Above
0691 ڑ Arabic Letter Rreh
0692 ڒ Arabic Letter Reh With Small V
0693 ړ Arabic Letter Reh With Ring
0694 ڔ Arabic Letter Reh With Dot Below
0695 ڕ Arabic Letter Reh With Small V Below
0696 ږ Arabic Letter Reh With Dot Below And Dot Above
0697 ڗ Arabic Letter Reh With Two Dots Above
0698 ژ Arabic Letter Jeh
0699 ڙ Arabic Letter Reh With Four Dots Above
069A ښ Arabic Letter Seen With Dot Below And Dot Above
069B ڛ Arabic Letter Seen With Three Dots Below
069C ڜ Arabic Letter Seen With Three Dots Below And Three Dots Above
069D ڝ Arabic Letter Sad With Two Dots Below
069E ڞ Arabic Letter Sad With Three Dots Above
069F ڟ Arabic Letter Tah With Three Dots Above
06A0 ڠ Arabic Letter Ain With Three Dots Above
06A1 ڡ Arabic Letter Dotless Feh
06A2 ڢ Arabic Letter Feh With Dot Moved Below
06A3 ڣ Arabic Letter Feh With Dot Below
06A4 ڤ Arabic Letter Veh
06A5 ڥ Arabic Letter Feh With Three Dots Below
06A6 ڦ Arabic Letter Peheh
06A7 ڧ Arabic Letter Qaf With Dot Above
06A8 ڨ Arabic Letter Qaf With Three Dots Above
06A9 ک Arabic Letter Keheh
06AA ڪ Arabic Letter Swash Kaf
06AB ګ Arabic Letter Kaf With Ring
06AC ڬ Arabic Letter Kaf With Dot Above 0762(‎ݢ‎)
06AD ڭ Arabic Letter Ng
06AE ڮ Arabic Letter Kaf With Three Dots Below
06AF گ Arabic Letter Gaf
06B0 ڰ Arabic Letter Gaf With Ring
06B1 ڱ Arabic Letter Ngoeh
06B2 ڲ Arabic Letter Gaf With Two Dots Below
06B3 ڳ Arabic Letter Gueh
06B4 ڴ Arabic Letter Gaf With Three Dots Above
06B5 ڵ Arabic Letter Lam With Small V
06B6 ڶ Arabic Letter Lam With Dot Above
06B7 ڷ Arabic Letter Lam With Three Dots Above
06B8 ڸ Arabic Letter Lam With Three Dots Below
06B9 ڹ Arabic Letter Noon With Dot Below
06BA ں Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna
06BB ڻ Arabic Letter Rnoon
06BC ڼ Arabic Letter Noon With Ring
06BD ڽ Arabic Letter Noon With Three Dots Above
06BE ھ Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee
06BF ڿ Arabic Letter Tcheh With Dot Above
06C0 ۀ Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above 06D5(‎ە‎) 0654(◌ٔ)
06C1 ہ Arabic Letter Heh Goal
06C2 ۂ Arabic Letter Heh Goal With Hamza Above 06C1(‎ہ‎) 0654(◌ٔ)
06C3 ۃ Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta Goal
06C4 ۄ Arabic Letter Waw With Ring
06C5 ۅ Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe
06C6 ۆ Arabic Letter Oe
06C7 ۇ Arabic Letter U
06C8 ۈ Arabic Letter Yu
06C9 ۉ Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu
06CA ۊ Arabic Letter Waw With Two Dots Above
06CB ۋ Arabic Letter Ve
06CC ی Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh 0649(‎ى‎)064A(‎ي‎)
06CD ۍ Arabic Letter Yeh With Tail
06CE ێ Arabic Letter Yeh With Small V
06CF ۏ Arabic Letter Waw With Dot Above
06D0 ې Arabic Letter E
06D1 ۑ Arabic Letter Yeh With Three Dots Below
06D2 ے Arabic Letter Yeh Barree
06D3 ۓ Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Hamza Above 06D2(‎ے‎) 0654(◌ٔ)


Unicode 表示 名称
06D4 ۔ Arabic Full Stop

Extended Arabic letter(拡張アラビア文字)

Unicode 表示 名称
06D5 ە Arabic Letter Ae

Quranic annotation signs(コーラン注釈記号)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
06D6 ◌ۖ Arabic Small High Ligature Sad With Lam With Alef Maksura
06D7 ◌ۗ Arabic Small High Ligature Qaf With Lam With Alef Maksura
06D8 ◌ۘ Arabic Small High Meem Initial Form
06D9 ◌ۙ Arabic Small High Lam Alef
06DA ◌ۚ Arabic Small High Jeem
06DB ◌ۛ Arabic Small High Three Dots
06DC ◌ۜ Arabic Small High Seen
06DD ۝ Arabic End Of Ayah
06DE ۞ Arabic Start Of Rub El Hizb
06DF ◌۟ Arabic Small High Rounded Zero
06E0 ◌۠ Arabic Small High Upright Rectangular Zero
06E1 ◌ۡ Arabic Small High Dotless Head Of Khah 0652(◌ْ)
06E2 ◌ۢ Arabic Small High Meem Isolated Form
06E3 ◌ۣ Arabic Small Low Seen
06E4 ◌ۤ Arabic Small High Madda
06E5 ۥ Arabic Small Waw 08D3(◌࣓)08F3(◌ࣳ)
06E6 ۦ Arabic Small Yeh
06E7 ◌ۧ Arabic Small High Yeh
06E8 ◌ۨ Arabic Small High Noon
06E9 ۩ Arabic Place Of Sajdah
06EA ◌۪ Arabic Empty Centre Low Stop
06EB ◌۫ Arabic Empty Centre High Stop
06EC ◌۬ Arabic Rounded High Stop With Filled Centre
06ED ◌ۭ Arabic Small Low Meem

Extended Arabic letters for Parkari(パルカリ語用拡張アラビア文字)

Unicode 表示 名称
06EE ۮ Arabic Letter Dal With Inverted V
06EF ۯ Arabic Letter Reh With Inverted V

Eastern Arabic-Indic digits(東アラビア数字)

Unicode 表示 名称
06F0 ۰ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Zero
06F1 ۱ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit One
06F2 ۲ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two
06F3 ۳ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three
06F4 ۴ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four
06F5 ۵ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Five
06F6 ۶ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Six
06F7 ۷ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Seven
06F8 ۸ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Eight
06F9 ۹ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Nine

Extended Arabic letters(拡張アラビア文字)

Unicode 表示 名称
06FA ۺ Arabic Letter Sheen With Dot Below
06FB ۻ Arabic Letter Dad With Dot Below
06FC ۼ Arabic Letter Ghain With Dot Below

Signs for Sindhi(シンディー語用記号)

Unicode 表示 名称
06FD ۽ Arabic Sign Sindhi Ampersand
06FE ۾ Arabic Sign Sindhi Postposition Men

Extended Arabic letter for Parkari(パルカリ語用拡張アラビア文字)

Unicode 表示 名称
06FF ۿ Arabic Letter Heh With Inverted V
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