How to calculate (Cyclotomic Numbers)

The following program calculates Cyclotomic Numbers.
Further informations are here.

 10   ' cp_sub.ub
 20   ' phi(n) = pi (d|n) (x^d - 1)^mu(n\d)
 30   input "n=";N%:input "x=";X%
 40   R=fnPhi(N%,X%):print R
 50   goto 30
 60   '
 70   fnPhi(N%,X%)
 80   local D%,R
 90   R=1
100   for D%=1 to N%
110   if N%@D%=0 then R=R*(X%^D%-1)^moeb(N%\D%):print D%,moeb(N%\D%)
120   next D%
130   return(R)


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Hisanori Mishima