The cycle time abridgment improvement manual

1. The aim of the cycle time abridgment

@In the automated manufacture assembly line, the cycle time of the machine becomes a neck.Therefore, production is limited.
When some reason extends the cycle time when planning to do facilities, there is aim of the improvement which reduces this cycle time.Or, there is aim where a cycle is abridged to produce overwork and holiday operation without doing them at the cycle time to have planned to do when the request production increases.
In any case, as for the abridgment of the cycle time, the yield for every the time becomes able to improve in the productivity, rising and to take the active time of the autonomy maintenance, the schedule maintenance like elasticity.

2. The viewpoint of the cycle time abridgment improvement

‡@ It reduces distance of the manufacture and the movement.
‡A It makes speed of the manufacture and the movement early.
‡B It makes repeat number of times of the manufacture and the movement little.
‡C It loses suspension time of the manufacture and the movement.
‡D It makes manufacture movement with the same time.
‡E It loses manufacture's and movement time looseness.
‡F It loses unnecessary manufacture and movement.
@Especially, in the movement of the hydraulic pressure equipment, in case of operation beginning of the facilities, the operation speed is slow.This is because the flow rate declines because the temperature of operation oil is low.It knows that it attempts to measure viewpoint ‡E in cycle time in the morning and of noon.

3. The improvement step of the cycle time abridgment

The step The activity The name@
The activity The contents
‚Pstep The active plan making and
the setting of a par
¥ It makes a cycle time abridgment improvement plan.The setting of an active member, an active schedule, a par
¥ It makes a par a theory cycle time (the time of the plan) or the cycle time which the request production needs.
‚Qstep The present situation grasping
and the finding of the abridgment item
¥ It takes a machine cycle with the video camera and it measures the detailed time of each operation from the video counter.
¥ It records this to the cycle diagram (not click -- still inputting here).
¥ It follows the viewpoint of the abridgment by each operation unit from the cycle diagram table and it finds an improvement item.
‚Rstep The implementation of
the improvement and
the confirmation of the result
¥ It improves improvement from the movement (the conveyance and so on) not to be manufacturing.
¥ Next, it reduces the time of the cycle to be manufacturing.But, do trial while to be careful here confirms an artifact quality.It confirms a process capability.
¥ It confirms whether or not the minor stoppage doesn't occur in conveyance's movement.
¥ At the cut machine, the cutting tools life number investigation accompanies.
¥ It takes a cycle time after improvement once again by the video and it enters it in the cycle diagram.
‚Sstep It does the standardization of
the new manufacture condition
and a change point management procedure.
¥ As for the manufacture condition after improvement, it revises a management process figure, a standard operation book.
Then, it does the procedure of "the change point management" to the customer and it obtains approval.
‚Tstep The maintenance management
and the issue of the MP information
¥ It revises and it manages a check standard book in the maintenance of the manufacture condition.
¥ It issues MP information.

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