葭森圭介Keisuke Yoshimori

1ー2)ホワイトリカー;35度 銘柄は特に気にした事はありません。

 容量3L~4L程度の広口瓶にホワイトリカー2Lをまず入れます。次に果実を果液が抽出されやすいように、花梨は4片程度に輪切りに、ゆずは各果袋から果液が抽出されやすいように上下2つに切り、梅は楊枝またはフオークで出来るだけ多くの小穴を表面に明け、切り口が空気に触れ変質しないように切ったらすぐにホワイトリカーの中にいれます。 ブルーベリーは実をすりこ木で潰しておきます。
<補筆 2011,12,12>
かりん酒に、少量のゆず酒(5:1〜10:1)を加えたカクテルにすると非常においしくなります。また氷砂糖を用いた かりん酒もおいしくいただけます。

 冬は冷暗所の温度が適温ですのでそのままグラスに入れ出来上がった酒の色を楽しみながら味わいます。夏はラズベリー酒を冷蔵庫で冷やしてストレート で飲むのも最高です。陶然とした香りはラズベリー酒です。ゆず酒やかりん酒の水割りもお勧めです。梅酒もすっきりとした味わいです。 特筆大書すべきは、他の酒に比べ酔い覚め感が素晴らしく、心ゆくまで楽しんでも、夜中に口中の渇きで苦しめられることもなく、朝までぐっすり 熟睡することができます。


芳 王桂

JTB国内旅行 阪急交通社

sugarless fruit-wine

 Food containing sugar whatever it is juice or cake,brings me loin ache.I seldom drink cafee but only tea without sugar.At home I always take green tea.Therefore I challenged sugarless fruit-wine.I have succeeded to brew my favourites.My old friend living in foot-walking distanse from my house,an amiable drinker, admires my fruit-liquor every time dropping in.So,I open how to brew it.
I got the hint during the europian test trip in 1970 of the car I designed.Iwas presented a glass of Italian liquor poured from a 2-litter sized bottle by a stranger ,he called himself a lawyer at a small restaurant near the hotel in Milan.There was a quarter of bottle transparent liquor with a twig in it.Laurel,he said.It tasted fantastic.In 1972 I built my house and planted a little laurel tree in the side yard.Now,climbing a ladder before every winter I cut off twigs for the winter sun light through windows into the living room upstairs.   

1) Material
1-1)Fuit;karin(Japanese species of marmelo),ume(Japanese species of plum),yuzu(Japanese species of orange)
Either one will do.But I do like karin best.I harvest them all in my garden.It's also my pleasure.
1-2)Liquor; alcohol content arround 35% .I do not care make or brand.
1-3)laurel twig

2-1)1st stage
Pour 2l of liquor into 3~4litter sized bottle.In the case of karin and yuzu,cut each of them for fruit juice to ooze out easily into liquor and in the case of ume,sting its surface with tooth stick or folk.Soon after cutting or sticking,throw it into the liquor before any oxidation on its surface to the half level of the bottle.Then add the liquor to the full level.
It takes longer time compared to the method with sugar to extract fruit juice,to prevent oxidation top air space must be kept minimum leaving enough volume for the laurel twigs to be added 1 year later.When finished,store the bottles in cool and dark spot in your house to keep them from oxidation
2-2)2nd stage
After 1 year later,before taking out the fruit from the bottle,put 3 to 5 twigs into the botttle and keep it at the old spot for 2 to 3 weeks.When leaves have turned black,take out the twigs with all of fruit.Post maturing of 1 month is enough for completion.Post maturing of more than 1 year brings reverse effect because of over oxidation.
3)In winter you can enjoy straight one and in summer with water and ice.

JTB国内旅行 阪急交通社

I appreciate your friendly visit.
I am waiting for your coming back again.
Thank you

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