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いかがでしたか。 版画作りは、なかなかやり応えのある仕事で気に入っているんですが、黙々と一人でやっていく仕事なんで、どうしても孤立しがちです。だから、興味のある人達といろいろ意見を交しあえたら良いなあと思っているんです。


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Links to related sites


[Baren] Discussion Forum

A mailing/list discussion forum devoted to the topic of woodblock printmaking.

Matthew W. Brown

A New England printmaker: attractive prints, interesting text, and informative descriptions. Matt's site (like mine) also has an 'under construction' section on techniques.


Walter J. Phillips

A comprehensive web site dedicated to the work of the late Canadian printmaker. Includes his text on printmaking ...

Andy English

Not 'woodcuts', but 'wood engravings' - the 'other face' of woodblock printmaking.

Peter Miller

Not woodblock prints, but gravures - an old-fashioned technology that produces beautifully rich tones.

Family and Friends

The garden of a 'lady friend' ...


