Projects Candy Toys Gallery


RX-78 Ver.Ka
Strike Dog
Manufacturer : Takara
Scale : 1/35
This Scope Dog was built long time ago, when I had enough enthusiasm to build something different from others.  The original kit only had the upper part of the cockpit details, so I scratchbuilt the seat as well as extra details for the side panels and the hatch based on the official design sketch.
One of the main features of the Armored Trooper is its knee mechanism, which drops as shown for a maintenance, and it also works as a sock absorber when landing.  The 1/35 scale kit omitted this feature, so I made the links with plastic sheet.  

A conversion kit is available today.

The pilot figure is included in the kit, but it only had the waist and above, so I used Tamiya's military figure to make a complete one.  Then I made the seat, and control levers.  The console has pivots, and it can be moved forward just like the official drawing sketch.
Original 1/35 kit had a lot of features for the price of the kit.  I didn't have a guts to make the camera assembly for the Scope Dog, but the Strike Dog model that I made has a separate camera turret.  Although the model was stored carelessly, it only suffered a missing handle on the torso.
Other than those modifications on the leg and cockpit, the kit was built straight out of the box.  I didn't change the proportion as I thought that the kit captured the look of this dorky looking humanoid tank very well.
I used Gunze's Mr. Color lacquer base acrylic paint to paint the kit.  Both dark and light green were custom mixed, and sprayed by the airbrush.  Strong flash of my camera made the color look light, but it's actually much darker.  I picked up many hints from the military models in various magazines, and I hand painted the scratches and paint chips.  Clear resin was used for the camera lenses, and it looked nice back then.  I didn't know about MV lenses at that time, but now they can be used to represent the lenses. 
The standard kit came with the back pack, but my energy ran out when I completed the main body, so it has kept unpainted and stored in a junk box.

I only completed two Votoms models, and this Scope Dog was made when I was fifteen years old.  


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Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001 Hiroaki Fukuda

Last modified : 2000-12-15