TALO−Hawaiian People


kalo of Hanalei 

Kalo of Hanalei

I first visited taro fields in Hanalei in October 1996.I felt for a moment that I was familiar with that scene.But I also felt that something was different.
Certainly they were taro firlds in Hanakei,Hawaii,which were surrounded by mountains covered with clouds.They were the things that I heartily hoped to see the real one for a long time .
The kalo fields which I imagined were small and had plants with luxuriant round leeves.Kalo has the leeves look like "satoimo" in japan.I imagined that the scene in which such large leeves were swaying in the wind was very impressive.Those who have the opportunity to see lotus fields may be able to imagine such scene.

Many taros were packed in bags on the track .Surely this was the taro fields. There were also something like stick bundled in the fields.Since fellow travelers did not show any interest in the fields,I approached with Mr.N . He was thinking about stick-like things.They were kalo's stems.He wanted to know whether Hwaiian eat the stems. We eat the stem of "satoimo" in Japan.So I thought it was possible that Hawaiian also eat them.

Two young men were loading sacks diligently up the track.A old man was coming from a field.Mr.N asked him in English that if we could see his fields,and he answered in Japanese."Coming from Japan?"He had grayhair and tanned face and put on sunglasses.He explained that his father and mother had come from Fukuoka.His tone when he spoke "otosan"(father) and "okasan"(mother) was so gentle and tender that I felt it very impressive.They had planted rice before,but recently they began planting taro because taro can make more money.Their work became much lighter with ISEKI's farming machines now. He told us such things.

And the stems we noticed turned out to be seedlings.About 10 months after putting in a field,they can be harvested again.Hawaii is a warm place,so they can harvest all the year.After hearing these stories,I looked around and found the sticks sticking out of the fields in a line.Some tip of the sticks were budding.The leaf were just the same one as I had imagined. The humid air and clear water make such strong and thick leaves.

To the middle-aged man who was wet up to chest I asked,"Are they so deep?". He answered,smiling,that they were not so deep.It was because of the work. Then he posed in front of my camera havimg a taro in his hand.The kalo wich he showed was surprisingly small."Hawaii is warm,so kalo grows bigger and bigger.But the best taro is the one like this."He said so and looked the kalo.Behind him clouds were hanging over the sky and mountains were covered with mist.Next time I visit Kauai,I really want to see the place and the people.

(Photo:A man showing his kalo)
(Translater : Hiroko Okabe)

Last modified on Wed.May 21
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