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![]() ![]() 「大変なことに挑んでいる姿そのものは、自分には見えないが、幸福の姿なのです。その姿が人生が、人々に感動を与える。だから、もっともっと挑戦してください。」2001年8月、彫刻家小金丸先生が、私に伝えてくれた制作の指針です。 浅賀正治(Masaji Asaga)
About Animals ---------->Masaji Asaga`s work attempts to draw shapes out from the stone medium, that express warm thoughts reaching out to be touched by people. About Public arts ---------->General Art and Craft workshop Inc. creates and supplies stone sculptures in response to public demand. Bringing together a number of highly experienced sculptors, it also aims to function as a place where young sculptors can polish their skills and introduce their works to a wider audience. “モニュメントは奉仕の精神”------ 石彫を本格的に制作するようになった頃、1989年7月6日、私 の恩師である彫刻家小金丸幾久先生が、万感を 込めて贈ってくれた指針の一つです。 以来、たくさんの方々からの応接をいただき、 各地の公共の場等へ石彫刻モニュメントを制作 させていただいております。 重なる体験と共に師の言葉をいろいろな角度 から体読します。 石を通しての絆は人類の歴史と共に始まり、新 たな1000年の未来に向け続きます。人々の石に 託する思いを刻む意義深い仕事をさせていただ き、皆様に心より感謝いたします。 新しい誓いをこの小冊子に込めて御礼としま した。 1998.12 "Amounment represents the spirit of dedication." This is one of the principles given to me by my teacher. Mr.Ikuhisa Koganemaru, a sculptor, Who made this clear to me on July 6th.1989. I had just started to work as a stone sculptor around that time. Since then, and with variety of support, I have created many monuments for various public facilities in many arears. Through these experiences. I have been able to "live" with Mr.Koganemaru's words, imcorporating them over and over and in many different ways. Bords through rocks began with the history of man and continues through the future.Iam deeply greatfulfor the opportunities given me to carve people's prayers into stone, a meaningful task in creating a fulfilled life. Using this book as my persol vow to continued dedication of committment and spirit of stone carving and as a means of thanks to all of you. December.1998 |
E-mail tq3m-asg@asahi-net.or.jp |