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6.Deciever's Garb Instructions

右手にRagebringer、首にOccluded Sun Pendantを装備する必要があります。

・Elyn Connoy(Halas:280, 185)に「Hail」と言う。

・Elyn Connoyに「Small Job」と言う。Deciever’s Garb Instructionsとa Collection Satchelを受け取る。
ここで間違っても「stupid questions」と言ってはいけません。袋叩きに遭います。

・7種類8個の防具を作り、a Collection SatchelでCombineします。

Deciever's Garb Instructions(Combine:a Collection Satchel)
  Coif of Concealed Blades(Combine:Sewing Kit、Trivial:Tailoring 15)
  High Quality Bear Skin West Commonlandsの熊など
Fine Steel Dagger Shiv(Gulf of Gunthak等)も可
Cap Pattern Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:120, 1480)
Sleeves of Concealed Blades(Combine:Sewing Kit、Trivial:Tailoring 15)
  2 High Quality Rockhopper Skin Mons LetalisのRockhopper
2 Fine Steel Dagger Shiv(Gulf of Gunthak等)も可
Sleeves Pattern Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:120, 1480)
2 Bracer of Concealed Blades(Combine:Sewing Kit、Trivial:Tailoring 15)
  High Quality Lion Skin North KaranaのHighland Lion
Fine Steel Dagger Shiv(Gulf of Gunthak等)も可
Wristband Pattern Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:120, 1480)
Gloves of Concealed Blades(Combine:Sewing Kit、Trivial:Tailoring 15)
  High Quality Hynid Hide Natimbiのa Hynid
Fine Steel Dagger Shiv(Gulf of Gunthak等)も可
Gloves Pattern Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:120, 1480)
Tunic of Concealed Blades(Combine:Sewing Kit、Trivial:Tailoring 15)
  2 High Quality Kodiak Skins Eastern Wastesのa tundra kodiak
2 Fine Steel Dagger Shiv(Gulf of Gunthak等)も可
Tunic Pattern Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:120, 1480)
Pants of Concealed Blades(Combine:Sewing Kit、Trivial:Tailoring 15)
  2 High Quality Walrus Hides Eastern Wastesのa walrus
2 Fine Steel Dagger Shiv(Gulf of Gunthak等)も可
Pants Pattern Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:120, 1480)
Boots of Concealed Blades(Combine:Sewing Kit、Trivial:Tailoring 15)
  2 High Quality Wolf Skins East Commonlandsの狼など
2 Fine Steel Dagger Shiv(Gulf of Gunthak等)も可
Boots Pattern Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:120, 1480)

・Elyn ConnoyにCombined Satchelを渡す。
You have coerced Elyn into revealing her secret.と表示されればこのパートは終了です。

7.List of Required Toxins

右手にRagebringer、首にOccluded Sun Pendantを装備する必要があります。

・Arly Golyeck(Paludal Caverns:-180, 685)に「Hail」と言う。

・Arly Golyeckに「Small Job」と言う。List of Required Toxinsとa Collection Satchelを受け取る。

・6種類の毒をa Collection SatchelでCombineする。

List of Required Toxins(Combine:a Collection Satchel)
  Nematocyst Poison(Combine:Mortar and Pestle、Trivial:Poison Making 151)
  Lined Poison Vial Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:-110, 1440)
Constrict Suspension Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:-110, 1440)
Ovate Jellyfish Gulf of Gunthakで釣り
Choking Asmag(Combine:Mortar and Pestle、Trivial:Poison Making 151)
  Sealed Poison Vial Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:-110, 1440)
Constrict Suspension Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:-110, 1440)
2 Asmag Weed Lavastorm MoutainのFire Goblin
Mind Melt(Combine:Mortar and Pestle、Trivial:Poison Making 322)
  Sealed Poison Vial Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:-110, 1440)
Ethereal suspension Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:-110, 1440)
2 Mt. Death Mineral Salt Mines of NurgaのGoblin
Quicksilver(Combine:Mortar and Pestle、Trivial:Poison Making 15)
  Gnomish spirits Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:-340, 755)
Cinnabar Vendor(North Kaladim:570, 224)
Lixt Wing Dust(Combine:Mortar and Pestle、Trivial:Poison Making 76)
  Lined Poison Vial Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:-110, 1440)
Suspension Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:-110, 1440)
2 Embalming Dust North Roのa crypt mummy
Crystalline Serum Plane of Valorのcrystalline spider
Bite of the Ikaav(Combine:Mortar and Pestle、Trivial:Poison Making 15)
  Sealed Poison Vial Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:-110, 1440)
Constrict Suspension Vendor(Plane of Knowledge:-110, 1440)
Venomous Secretions Kod`TazのIkaav

・Arly GolyeckにCombined Satchelを渡す。
You have coerced Arly into revealing his secret. と表示されればこのパートは終了です。




Normal Poison

Advanced Poison
