
Mt. Sekirouzan

A branch of wakwak  climbing club climbed Mt. Sekirouzan (694m) on February 12, 2005. There is an old temple called Kenkyoji which was founded about 1,100 years ago.

From the top of the Mt. Sekirouzan, you can see Mt. Kumotori-yama (2,017m). At the left of Kumotori, Mt. Mitozan (1,531m) is also visible.

Mt. Kumotori viewed from Mt. Sekirouzan

360 degree panoramic view from the top of Mt. Sekirouzan

colored area are scope of photo

At the south of Mt. Sekirouzan, you can see Mt. Tanzawa (1,673m).

Mt. Tanzawa viewed from Mt. Sekirouzan

You can also enjoy many mountains such as Mt. Omuroyama (1,588m), Mt. Fuji, Mt. Mitsutoge (1,785m) Mt. Daibosaturyo and Mt. Jinba (857m)

February 16, 2005

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