Kaizouji and Jyufuji Temple

Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood decided to visit an old residence of famous novelist, late Osanagi Jiro. His thatched roof house is located on the ancient Wakamiya Ouji shougunate. Apricot tree in his garden was in full bloom.

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Apricot tree

Then they visited Kaizouji temple via Trugaoka Hachiman shrine, Kenchoji temple and Kamegayatsu Pass.

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Kaizouji temple

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Cave used for grave near Kaizouji temple

At their return, they stopped at Jyufuji Temple which is one of the prominent temple of Zen in Kamakura. Just south of Jyufukuji Temple, they found a big residence.

High class residence near Kamakura station


Rev. May 7, 2004

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