
Mt. Kumotori-yama

Wakwak climbing club attacked Mt. Kumotori-yama in April 2002. It's height is 2,017 meter and it is the highest mountain in Tokyo.

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Mt. Kumotori at left side wiewed from Sengen One

Although it is located in Tokyo, still, it is deep mountain. After 6.5 hours walking they arrived at Kumotori hut.

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Kumotori hut

Next day, they found Mt. Asama is seen from the window of the hut.

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Mt. Asama

They started climbing remaining 200 meters and finally reached the summit. it was windy and ambient temperature was below freezing point, they enjoyed clear view of Mt. Fuji and Southern Alps.

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Mt. Fuji

Entire view of Southern Alps was also visible from here. Mr. Greenwood once climbed tow of them i.e. Mt Kitadaka and Mt. Senjyou. Behind Kokushidake, there would be Ohtarumi Pass where he once drove through with his Jeep.

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Southern Alps  from left Mt. Arakawa, Mt. Shiomi, Mt. Noutori, Mt. Ainotake, Mt. Kitadake, Mt. Senjyou

Tokyo bay is also visible from here.

Mr. Greenwood had made 2 min 35 seconds home video of the attack to Mt. Kumotori and sent CD-R to the attack member. It was appreciated. If you use proper music for back ground, it increase mental impact to the audience.

It is impossible to show here because, it's file size exceeds total size of this home page.  Only video clip of the introductory part was made available.


Rev. March 22, 2007

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