
Mt. Kisokomagatake

Wakwak climbing club attached Mt. Kisokomagatake (height: 2,956m) in early September 2002. Original plan was to walk along the ridge line of a mountain range from Mt. Kisokomagatake to Mt. Utsugidake (height: 2,864m) via Mt. Hokendake (height: 2,850m) but due to strong wind, they only attached Mt. Kisokomagatake.

Red route was  planned but only blue route was actually taken

First Day

They reached the bottom of Senjyoujiki curl (height: 2,600m) by ropeway. Mr. Greenwood visited this place with his wife in September 1999. It was raining. After climbing an hour, they reached Hokensanso Hut. After checking in the hut, they reached the summit of Mt. Kisokomagatake.

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at the summit of Mt. Kisokomagatake

Strong wind is blowing and visibility was not good.

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Mt. Hokendake at the back

Second Day

They decided not to go further and return home because the weather was the same as yesterday. Instead they visited Kozenji Temple and enjoyed Soba.

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at Kozenji Temple

September 13, 2002

Rev. February 1, 2006

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