Introduction of New Zealand Touring

Members who rode through Japan and US decided to visit New Zealand in February 2002.

Leader of the group is Mr. Ishihara who is now age of 74. When he was young, he used to ride Harley Davidson and Indians, but ceased riding ever since. About 8 year ago, he suddenly acquired new model of Heritage Softail and started riding with his Rotary mate Mr. Iizuka now at age of 69. Mr. Ishihara is running fabric business and Mr. Iizuka is running confectionery.

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Mr. Ishihara and his Heritage Softail

One day, Mr. Ishihara found an article about how business executive spend week end. It reported about Mr. Greenwood who was at that time an executive officer of an Engineering firm and enjoying a ride on Harley Davidson. He is now at age of 63.

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Mr. Greenwood on a paper

Mr. Ishihara contacted him and Mr. Greenwood introduced Mr. Oshikawa who was also a board member of the same company and now at the age of 61.

When Mr. Ishihara reported the joy of riding in a magazine of Rotary Club Japan, many ensuisiast contacted him.

They visited each other. Among them, Mr. Enatsu lived in Southern Kyusyu. Visiting him was an big endeavor. They enjoyed a party in one of bruary run by Enatu group.

Rotary club members in Kanto area and in Kyusyu jointly visited Route-66

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at Big Sur

Now lets introduce members who are going to visit New Zealand. They are Mr. and Mrs. Ishihara, Mr. Iizuka, Mr. Saito, Mr. Greenwood, Mr. Oshikawa, Mr. Nakamoto, Mr. Sugawara and his son and Mr. Tokuyama.

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from back row left; Saito, Tokuyama, Oshikawa, Nakamoto

From front row left; Iizuka, Ishihara, Sugawara, Greenwood

When Mr. Saito was young, he operated bike retail shop but later he succeeded machinery shop from his father. He is also a member of the same Rotary Club of Mr. Ishikura. Under his influence he also obtained Heritage Softail about 3 years ago. Mr. Saito is now at the age of 68.

Mr. Nakamoto now at the age of 55 first acquired a bike about 10 years ago. It was Estraia of Kawasaki. Then he bought Maani, Doucati, 3 of Harley Davidson, BMW, and Augusta Serio Orro. His current interest is flying helicopter. His second helicopter is EuroHeli 350B3. He owns a company for cemetery development.

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Mr. Nakamoto on his Augsuta Serio Orro and EuroHeli 350B3

Mr. Sugawara now at the age of 57 enjoyed sea, air and land. When he was young he learned flying seaplane. Then he owned 3 boats each having 40, 29 and 19 feet. He also enjoyed Harley Davidson and BMW.   He is running Gardening business.

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Mr. Sugawara and his BMW

Mr. Tokuyama now at the age of 64 is a new member. He is a father of WBC's world champion of super flyweight class. He is running a waste tereating business near Haneda Airport. When he was young, he enjoyed Triumph, a British made motocycle.

In May of 2000, when Ishihara Group visited Akakura in Niigata, they took lunch in Hotel Syuzan.

The owner of the hotel told them that his daughter Ms. Takako is running a resort hotel in Maruia Springs in New Zealand. All agreed to visit New Zealand after US.

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Maruia Springs

After consulting with Ms. Takako, the owner of Maruia Springs Resort, it was decided to visit New Zealand in February 2002. The touring start Christchurch and make a round trip in South Island.

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Route Map

Thermal Connections will provide escort van and trailer for emergency.

4 bikes will be brought in from Japan to New Zealand and 5 bikes will be rented there.

It is necessary to obtain Carnet for moving bike without custom duties and to make international number plate. After completing all those desk works, 4 bikes were brought in to Yokohama Port.

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at Daikoku Berth, Yokohama Port

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Mr. Saito carried his bike by track

Baltic Breeze departed Yokohama on Christmas day of 2001. It had arrived at Lyttelton Port in January 2002.

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Bikes arrived at Lyttelton Port

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