
シリアル番号 日付



名言 男と女に友情はない

No friendship between a man and a woman
言った人、出典 原典不明だがオスカー・ワイルドが劇中で使ったセリフ
引用した人、他 オスカー・ワイルド原作「ウィンダミア卿夫人の扇」を映画化した2004年の映画「理想の女(ひと)」A Good Womanのセリフ

Many people think, that opposite sex friendship is hiding sexual intentions, or at least one of the friends (mostly men) is dreaming about it. In platonic love, there’s no sexual activity, but very often there is sexual attraction. I believe that sexual tension is unavoidable between heterosexual opposite sex friends.

One woman is interpreting: “how can a man and a woman be just friends? There can only be one relationship ? and it‘s bed. It‘s funny when he‘s telling - we are just friends. A man and a woman can only be lovers or something like that, but not friends.”

Other woman is joking: “I think that a man and a woman can‘t be friends, unless he‘s gay or she‘s lesbian.”

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