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International Project Management Congress 2001

From November 18 to 21, 2001, the International Project Management Congress 2001 Tokyo and the Global Project Management Forum 11 (GPMF11) were held in Toshi Center Hotel which is located in the heart of Tokyo near Imperial Palace. The Engineering Advancement Association of Japan (ENAA)) and the Japan Project Management Forum (JPMF) was the organizer of the congress.

The purpose of the congress was the first announcement of Japanese qualification system of project management professionals. Including 69 first class professionals, top management and ministers, more than 410 delegates attend the meeting. Project tour included trial run on Magnetic Levitation Train (Linear Shin-Kansen)

Mr. Greenwood was a founding director of JPMF, proposer of the congress and acted as an track chair, an chief editor and art designer of the Program and CD-ROM Proceedings. (12543)

Proof,  Program, CD-ROM Proceedings  etc.


Revised 2002/3/26

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