dired-dd Menu Tour

Last modified: Sun Sep 13 11:26:46 JST 1998

dired-dd Menu Tour

Image of Menu2

Menu raised by Button 2

The menu raised by mouse button2 upon dropping file / directory object into directory object. The selected operation is done for marked, on-point, or ARG number of files / directories. The menu is also raised if you dragged file / directory object within the same dired buffer (which means dropping into the same directory). Notice that it includes `File Open', `New directory', or `Exec Command' type of entries. Perhaps good enough for daily file operations. Actually, `Copy Recursive' entry invokes GNU `cp' command as `cp -a'.

Also see Info for marking files by   Mouse Button 1,
and for Drag and Drop by   Mouse Button 2.

Image of Menu3

Menu raised by Button 3

The menu raised by mouse button3 click. The selected operation is done for marked, on-point, or ARG number of files / directories. Includes some entries which is not implemented in original dired's menu-bar (or popup menu in emacs-20). `Delete Recursive' invokes `rm -r'. `Launch a Terminal' entry is new in, and invokes `xterm' or `kterm' asynchronously depending upon LANG environment variable. This menu is customizable, so this appearance is just an example. Definition of the menu is separated into `dired-dd-b3-menu.el'.
The original dired popup menu (via C-drag-mouse-3) can be used for files marked with * by mouse button 1. In emacs-19 (eg. mule-2.3 (19.28)), S-mouse-3 emulates the emacs-20's dired popup menu, which is `stolen' from menu-bar.

Also see Info for marking by   Mouse Button 1,
and for facility of of   Mouse Button 3.
Menu customizing is discussed in Menu raised by Button 3

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