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The Introduction of Global Education to English Teaching

- Topic Centered Teaching Method - 



A Thesis Presented to

The Faculty of Graduate Course

at Saitama University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree Master of Education    




  Mitsumasa Matsumoto


January in 1998  












Chapter 1 A brief history of English teaching and its background   8


1-1 English needs background 8

1-2 EFL situation 13

1-3 Summary 26


Chapter 2 Natural Acquisition 27


2-1 Critical Period and Lateralization 27

2-2 LAD 30

2-3 summary 36


Chapter 3 English Needs Analysis 37


3-1 The web research on English competence 37

3-2 The web research on English grammar 42

3-3 Summary 45


Chapter 4 Globalization in Japan 47


4-1 Cross cultural understanding for teachers 47

4-2 Cross cultural understanding for students 54

4-3 Overseas adaptation of Japanese 64

4-4 Summary 68


Chapter 5 Global Education 69


5-1 A brief introduction of Global Education 69

5-2 Global Concept 71

5-3 Global activities 75

5-4 Summary and Examples 80


Chapter 6 Topic Centered Method 85


6-1 Textbook topics 85

6-2 Practice of Topic Centered Method 88

6-3 Goals 96


       Chapter 7 Medium   98


7-1 CAI   98

7-2 E-mail exchange   99


Bibliography 106


Appendices 108



To publish this thesis I wish to thank all teaching staffs in English laboratory at Saitama university first of all , especially I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my academic advisors; Prof.Watanabe and Sanao. And I also thank Prof.Hatano, a full-time lecturer Mr.Munekata at the information processing class.

I owe a great deal to Prof. Nomoto and Iwakawa in terms of my knowledge on Global education.

Thanks to Prof.Akiyama and Ushie my English grammar knowledge and background have been brushed up.

To study the 100-schools project on the web I visited Koshigaya Comprehensive Technical Upper Secondary School, Urawa ichiritsu high school, and Oomiya Onari junior high school in 1996. I wish to thank Mr.Shirai, Mr.Nakazato, and Mr.Ajisawa for their explanation of the LAN system.

I joined many in-service training, meetings and workshops, such as, LLA conference, workshop at Development Education Council of Japan, at Microsoft Japan, the short lecture at Sophia university, at Simile Academy, at Keio university,.etc. I have learned a lot from them.

I thank them all.

I also wish to thank the persons and parties concerned with my thesis.


Adding English education point of view, this thesis is composed of two more fields; Global Education and the computer assisted instruction( the web instruction).









My best regards,


January, 1998





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