Visiting "Die Tuba"

Detail of the Instrument

Tuba from St. Pete

On the bell there stamped a logo mark of a lyre with a letter "L"(Cyrillic). Referring to Leningrad?

logo mark

Logo marked on the bell

Russian Rotor Linkage

You can not expect it's ready to play with russian rotor linkages. It's too sticky. The likage has a special "cool" function which enables to adjust the returning force of the spring; it doesn't work. If the rotor is OK the linkage works at the least returning force, but once the rotor sticks, the linkage will never work even at the heaviest returning force.

russian linkage

russian rotor linkage

Deutsche Rotor Linkage

The shopmaster's recommendation is to change the whole linkage to german made ones. It really works.

german linkage

German linkage. Recommended.

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