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3dm_03.gif (998 ???)Owner's Sky&Earth page(Not Photo oriented)
     3dm_03.gif (998 ???)17% Gray Photo Top page


Japanese pages here

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What's Up

Oct 10 Elmar M50 uploaded new1.gif (1625 ???)
Oct 10 LEICA M6 uploaded new1.gif (1625 ???)
May 6 Gallery "The Sixth Block"
Apr 8 Gallery "By the canal" 
Jan 16 Gear Summarit40 uploaded
Jan 16 Gear Minilux uploaded 
Jan 16
Gallery "Northern road side" 
Oct 23 Gallery "Five hundred wise men"  uploaded
Sept 22 Gallery "Riding Archer"  uploaded
Sept 22 Gallery " C141 TF33 "  uploaded
Sept 1 Gallery " TF30 F 412 " uploaded
July 26 Gear R80  Revised
July 25 Gallery " Cross and wind " uploaded
July 25 Gear Elmarit 28 uploaded
July 1 Gear AT180 uploaded
Apr 23 New Panorama format page open
(Fuji TX-1/X-Pan)
Apr 9 Gallery " House and time " uploaded
Mar 16 Gear R80 uploaded
Mar 15 Registered in FOM2 project
Feb 27 Gallery Bamboo garden uploaded
Feb 22
Leica R page open 

Give your comment to my email
I will be appreciated.

Note:Most contents are written in Japanese texts.


Special Thanks to NiCoLei's Room

Member of The FOM2 project


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LEICA M6 new1.gif (1625 ???)


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Apo Elmarit R180

Apo Telyt R180

AME R100

Summilux R80 

Elmar M50 new1.gif (1625 ???)

Summicron R50

Summarit 40

Summilux R35

Elmarit 28

Super Angulon R21
(2nd, F4.0)

The egg of the wind - 
Case: Distagon T*35

Case: Summilux R35

The photos were scanned with HP photosmart S20 at 300dpi. Only brightness correction has been applied.

Links (being prepared)

This page is a member of RLFC
Japanese R Leica fan club.

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Since Feb 22, 2001


2001 All rights reserved by Yoshihiro Sasaki