
Class Index [+]



The Earth

Public Class Methods

new(*args) click to toggle source


     # File when/region/sun.rb, line 147
147:       def initialize(*args)
148:         options = {
149:           'shape' => [0.998327112, 0.001676399, 0.000003519, 11.514/60.0],
150:           'sid'   => [6.697375, 2400.0513369, 0.0000259],
151:           'zeros' => [0.0, 0.58555, 0.85255, 7.36111],
152:           'air'   => [10.0, 0.40, 20.0]
153:         }
154:         options.update(args.pop) if args[1].kind_of?(Hash)
155:         radius, aberration, luminosity, *rest = args
156:         radius     ||= 6378.14
157:         aberration ||=    0.0056932
158:         luminosity ||=   3.50
159:         args = [radius, aberration, luminosity] + rest + [options]
160:         super(*args)
161:       end

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