Insect Stamp of United States of America

United States of America (USA) is federate nation 50 states comprising 48 states of mainland, Alaska and Hawaiian, and an area is about 25 times of Japan. Columbus arrived at this continent in 1492 which assumed an Indian indigenous people, and the U.K. built the first colony in State of existing Virginia in 1607. The Puritan who stepped on Mayflower in 1620 arrives at it. It captured new Amsterdam that a Dutchman built in 1644 and assumed it New York. The U.K. built 13 colonies in Atlantic coast by 1730's. It developed for the British mainland and an opposition with the colony side in the beginning that the British mainland was going to force taxation in a colony side and entered into an independence war in 1775, and 13 states of eastern parts declared independence in 1776 and received British armed forces surrender in 1781, and the U.K. approved independence afterwards in 1783. It obtained California by transfer from Mexico in 1840's and was almost settled in a current country. It participated in World War I in 1917 and came to achieve the part of world reader. On the other hand, there is birth of the Soviet Union, too, and, in World War II back, Korean War, Cuban Missile crisis will face each other as East-West two great rivals.
Three kinds of normal stamps which drew the insect were issued from the United States of America in 1987.
16 kinds of normal stamps which drew the insect, four kinds of normal stamps describing the spider, and a total of 20 kinds were issued in 1999.

United States of America
1987.6.13 Normal Stamp
Wanderer Butterfly
Danaus plexippus
Luna Moth
Actias luna
Convergent Ladybird
Hippodamia convergens

1999.10.1 Normal Stamp
Elderberry Longhorn Beetle
Desmocerus palliatus
Eyed Ladybird Beetle
Anatis mali
Dogbane Leaf Beetle
Chrysochus auratus
Flower Fly
Milesia virginiensis
Assassin Bug
Apiomerus apiomerus
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
Calopteryx macalata
Velvet Ant
Dasymutilla occidentalis
Wanderer Butterfly (Caterpillar)
Danaus plexippus
Wanderer Butterfly
Danaus plexippus
Eastern Hercules Beetle
Dynastes tityus
Bombardier Beetle
Brachinus brachinus
Dung Beetle
Phanaeus vindex
Spotted Water Beetle
Thermonectus marmoratus
True Katydid
Pterophylla camellifolia
Periodical Cicada
Magicicada magicicada
Panorpa nuptialis

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