Insect Stamp of Nicaragua

Nicaragua is sandwiched in between Honduras and Costa Rica, and faces the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific. It was discovered in 1502 by Columbus and became Spain territory and participated in Central America federation comprising 5 countries with El Salvador in 1821, and separation became independent from Central America federation in 1838. It was occupied by the U.S. forces which received a request from domestic maintenance power from 1912 to 1933. Commander Somoza National Guard held real power in coup d'etat and lasted for 1936 years than 40 years, and the autocracy times of the Somozas continued. A revolution by democracy power succeeded in 1979.
From Nicaragua, the stamp which drew seven kinds of scarab beetles altogether was issued in 1988. When it divides by purpose of use, one kind is a normal stamp and the six remaining kinds are airmail stamps.

Republic of Nicaragua
1988.11.10 Beetle Normal/Air Mail Stamp
Frog Scarab Beetle
Chrysina macropus
Scarab Beetle
Plustotis victoriana
Scarab Beetle
Ceratotrupes bolivari
Scarab Beetle
Gymnetosoma stellata
Flower Chafer
Euphoria lineoligera
Flower Chafer
Euphoria candezei
Neotropical Dung Beetle
Sulcophanaeus chryseicollis

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